
YourWorship's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of YourWorship's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Yes. It is they're choice to get married. It isn't anyone else's business. Just leave them all alone. They aren't bothering you are they? NO? Then leave them alone. Gay actors aren't made fun of. Why should normal people be made fun of? If you can tell me 3 reasons why they shouldn't I would love to argue the point.

2 points

The bible is to wrong. It has been passed down by word of mouth then only recently written down for the public to read. And survival of the fittest like Charles Darwin said.

1 point

Ok. The Bible was passed down by word of mouth for thousands of years. They only wrote it down recently. God is there to explain the unexplainable. Evolution can explain things. Darwinism, survival of the fittest. Lizards have done it, apes have, all animals have. Ones in the fossil record did not make it because they weren't fit for the changes that they were facing.

1 point

Just because there is a Bible doesn't mean we have a God. It was told by word of mouth for thousands of years. They just wrote it down recently. God is to explain the unexplainable. Evolution makes perfect sense. Darwinism, survival of the fittest comes into play.

1 point

You can just put the kid up for adoption. Is it really that hard?

1 point

I really think that the owner of the bar should choose whether you can smoke. It is their bar. If you don't want to inhale the second-hand smoke, then DO NOT go to that bar. You can move your own legs, go somewhere else!

1 point

I live in South Dakota where there has been a smoking ban for about 2 years now. This had taken away money from the schools of our state when we have very little money as it is. Our schools get money from video lottery. Now that you can't smoke, the bars have lost 16% of their funds. In Sioux Falls where I live there are bars everywhere. This needs to be repealed for the better of our state.

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