
Alto's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Alto's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

What about the good fruit th Catholic Church produces? And whar about all the denominations that produce good fruit only but contradict eachother?

2 points

Has a war ever been fought in the name of atheism? No. Has a war ever been fought in the name of Christianity? Yes, many times. Very few people have killed over atheism but a huge number of people have killed over religion. Not to mention all the torture and executions that have been brought out in the name of god. Trying to use your argument to attack atheism is like saying that surgery shouldn't be performed because some people have died because of it.

1 point

I don't live in the U.S.A. so I can't vote for the Democrats. If I did live there I still wouldn't vote for them. And there are many atheists that don't vote for the Democrats.

1 point

I know many atheists that are pro-life and wait until marriage. I don't want STIs and unwanted pregnancys. I don't even like the idea of being in a relationship anyway.

1 point

Wow. What an idiot. Such a coward. You can't answer my questions and so you just call them stupid. I hope you come out of your denial someday. You're justa Christian because your parents told you to be. Hopefully, someday you will realise how weak your arguments are.

1 point

This has got to be the funniest thing that I have ever seen.

alto(114) Clarified
1 point

There I'd no sense in what YOU are saying. That was not an answer at all. And you won't give an answer to the other one because you can't. Ha! What an idiot. Trying to prove something real when you absolutely can't. What a waste of time debating with you. You can't even answer my questions.

alto(114) Clarified
1 point

Yes it is a logical statement. And who says you can talk on behalf of the living? Now you really are just making noise. Give me one more cowardly excuse and I ban you.

1 point

Jesus could have been a liar or crazy. If Jesus was born today and said the same things then he would be locked up in a mental asylum. And the Talmud is full of myths. The ancient Egyptians also apparently practised sorcery. Are the ancient Egyptians sons of god now?

alto(114) Clarified
1 point

That letter is a fake. He said that god is a part of human weakness. And I can say that that Isaac Newton is angry at the big bang.

1 point

I don't like the “progressions" that progressives are making so I am not a progressive. Stop being so stubborn.

1 point

It was actually David that said that. And he says the are fools because he is jealous of how smart they are.

1 point

Yes, it did trigger my conversion by teaching me about the outside world. And yes, Isaac Newton was a genius. But so was Einstein, Leonardo Da Vinci and Stephen Hawkins. They didn't believe in god.

1 point

Jesus might have existed but not god. And Jesus didn't do any miracles.

1 point

I have read the bible. Jesus was against many things you do. I think it would help you if you read the bible.

1 point

You don't listen do you. Makes me want to ban you from this debate. The Simpsons taught about Buddhism, it didn't convert me to anything. I obviously have a stronger mind than you since I can accept logic. And I don't think you are superstitious, I think you are schizophrenic. And why would I care what Isaac Newton said?

1 point

You must be the stupidest person in the world then. I can garuntee that Jesus would absolutely not agree with what you are doing.

1 point

Let him speak. It is a debate site isn't it? So he is allowed input.

1 point

Specific pages maybe? Those sites will say anything to try and justify Christianity anyway.

alto(114) Clarified
1 point

The Simpsons introduced me to Buddhism and atheism and that is all. It didn't make me an atheist. And like I said, I am an adult. I could move out if I wanted to. I love my parents and would never rebel. They have done so much for me. But you can think that if you want. I don't care.

alto(114) Clarified
1 point

I'm not basing my life on a sitcom. The Simpsons introduced me to Buddhism and atheism and that is all.

1 point

The Simpsons didn't indoctrinate me. It opened me up to the other views of the world which they taught me noting about. The Simpsons isn't the reason I am an atheist. It just helped me learn about the world. And atheists do have morals. I plan to never do drugs, never get drunk and I am waiting until marriage to have sex (yes, even as an atheist). And wwhen I said that I can do whatever I want, it doesn't mean that I don't have limits. I can now speak how I want, think how I want, make jokes, dress how I like etc. And I'd I make a mistake I don't need to worry about being judged by a hateful and judgemental psychopath. And I am not a progressive atheist. I am conservative. And yes, he can let us choose our eternity but he shouldn't place us in a world of suffering to do so. And if he loved us he wouldn't let us choose a place of suffering. And I am pro-life and always will be. Other people's opinions won't affect mine. And for the last time, atheists can be moral. Your Christian morality is subjective. And I don't care what you think. I am an atheist and always will be.

1 point

Fine, if you can't give evidence for god the I won't believe. Until you give evidence for god your arguments are useless. You are wasting your life.

1 point

Look, I don't care if I insult god. He doesn't exist. You can believe if you want. Not my loss. If god loves me then he will actually acknowledge my existence.

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