
Asdqwe678's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Asdqwe678's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

It depends on where you live , tap water in Asia countries are generally not recommended to drink unless you boiled it first .

For instance , I live in Tainan,Taiwan and I know tap water around here IS DANGEROUS with high density of multiple heavy metal materials (no shit the water was YELLOW when I filled a bottle) .

1 point

Then apparently Satan himself isn't doing the job ... wait I don't think I'm gonna argue any further since I'm lack of belief myself and anything related to religions isn't solved at the moment so let's not argue any further , to save the trouble.

1 point

Question : Is the Abstract Real ?

Answer : Yes

Similar subject : Religion

Reason : Both are something that "may or may not existed" , and lots of people worshiped religion because they think , claimed or hoped they're real , so I think the same goes to the Abstract .

1 point

I guess it increases the chance of aggressive thoughts since Self-Defence can end in violent ways ...

1 point

Punched someone and threw him off the floor and got him concussion , not regret it because was on second floor and the bastard spit at me plus he cut me with his knife before so totally not regretted >:l

2 points

It's better when all you need to do is to eat it ... and it DOESN'T REQUIRE POWER !

1 point

What bothers me ... hmm ... religion related ? not really ... does extremists count ? I'm ok with beliefs , its just some people who like to force it to the others ... that's the part I don't like ... and I'm fine with the rest though ...

1 point

That would be messy , and not even cleaning up , just left the whole mess and walk away :l

1 point

They should be punished THEN helped , the meaning of punishment is for them to know it's not right , although you can just left them there after the punishment , but they might not learn their lessons and makes the same mistakes again .

Always give them another chance , but there won't be a third .

1 point

You'd buy console just for one game O_O ? That's a waste of money !

1 point

Only when it's necessary , the same goes to any soldiers , mercenaries , assassins , any jobs that may requires killing because they follow orders (or money) to make a living .

1 point

"Oh, my son promised to never act like that,"<--- Believing this without any doubt it's their parents fault , whoever believe in this is simple careless to their kids , how can they be so sure these kiddos won't lie ? They need to keep an eye on their children's behavior , and help them knowing the difference between games and real-life , isn't that what parents and teachers are for ? To keep them from going the wrong way ?

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