
Debate Info

Self-Defence Violence
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 Self-Defence (4)
 Violence (2)

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Do games permote violence or self defence?


Side Score: 4


Side Score: 2
1 point

It depends on the game I'd say. Survival-Horror is very much about self-defense and self-preservation.

Side: Self-Defence

They promote playing an entertaining video game, not violence or self defense.

Side: Self-Defence

If a man attacks you, does it help to push X, Δ, ☐ or O ?

I believe violent video games can cause violence, I don't have any argumentation for this statement, it's just what I think.

But video games definitely does NOT train your self-defense skills.

In video games they use moves like .. spinning in the air and stuff. You can't use these moves in real life, without getting professional training.

Side: Violence
link6065(740) Disputed
1 point

If a man attacks you, does it help to push X, Δ, ☐ or O ?

Same can be said with going out to attack someone. You will defiantly not be using A, B, X, or Y to jump, open doors, crouch or cover.

I believe violent video games can cause violence, I don't have any argumentation for this statement, it's just what I think.

That's your opinion and it reflects the bias heavy argument you are providing.

But video games definitely does NOT train your self-defense skills.

In video games they use moves like .. spinning in the air and stuff. You can't use these moves in real life, without getting professional training.

I didn't ask if games train your self defense skills, I asked if games promote self defense or violence and here's my argument.

In first person shooters for example, you can be a pacifist player. There isn't anything against the rules about ducking into a corner somewhere and praying you don't get shot. However, that will not stop the opposing faction from coming in and shooting you. Their motives are purely out of self defense by which i mean that they target you in fear of you targeting them and claiming a +1.

Also, it is proven that games make us happier, mentally healthier and smarter society because they are challenging. place

Side: Self-Defence

Seems legit. .

Side: Self-Defence
1 point

I guess it increases the chance of aggressive thoughts since Self-Defence can end in violent ways ...

Side: Violence