
Athe1st's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Athe1st's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

I can't believe I ever believed in that Christianity BULLSHIT. I really don't know, but I'm going to blame it on the fact that I was a kid raised in a Southern (USA) Non-Denominational Christian household with uber strict rules. I think maybe I was chastised into 'believing', and, honestly, I think even back then, it was 'faux' belief. I always hated giving 10% of my hard earned money to " God " ( the church ) when I worked for that money, not God!!!

Haha, I became an atheist about a year after I left home at 18 ---- 12 years later, I feel absolutely wonderful that I'll never have to donate my money to an imaginary charity again! (Except for the federal government, that is)

But, I still wonder, what the HELL was I EVER thinking? Oh right, I WASNT !!

1 point

Goodness, I sure as hell HOPE so!!

I know that more and more people are openly 'coming out' as Atheists. The more scientific research we have done, the more people will drop Christianity and join the world in Truth, not Faith --- Fact, not Fiction.

3 points

I find it funny how Xtians are always talking about God and the bible and Jesus and " His Truth " and etc etc as if they heard it themselves. But, lets be honest. You've never seen God. You have read a book that has been transcribed about 100 times or more into a hundred languages, back and forth and back and forth to where the real meaning (if there even WAS one) has been long gone.

Okay, but not only that, I just find it so silly to have an imaginary friend past the age of say, 7. I remember, when I was 4 I had an imaginary friend. His name was Steve. My mom said she came into the living room one day, and there I was, plain as day, talking to Steve. "Who's that?" My mom asked, --- " Oh, that's Steve, my friend. " I replied. My mom couldn't see Steve, so she figured, this must be an imaginary friend.

Thing is, I only kept Steve for about a year. Then I let go of him. That's what you Christian's gotta do. Let go of your imaginary friend. God doesn't save lives. People save lives. God doesn't give you money. You earn money. God doesn't patrol space, NASA does. So, get a grip and come to your senses.

I am Atheist because I believe in facts, not fiction.

And if you say Xtianity or the Bible is " fact ", you're wrong. Every word in the bible or in your religion is based on 'faith' which is just another word for fiction. Faith begins when fact cannot be found.

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