
Blaqwhyt's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Blaqwhyt's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

There are bibles that come with pictures and other 'artist impressions' along-side verses and representation. They are available in the market. Are the content (in terms of verses and passages) of these bibles with pictures any different from the ones in pure text? Furthermore, what impact are you speaking of? Quantify it, and qualify it, or your point does not stand.

2 points

Firstly you stated that these students are "in [the] elementary level." Secondly, you suggested that their information processing ability "may not be that good enough". The above two are your premises. This is your objective: to send a direct and simple information. This is where the problem is. Pictures require interpretation as much as words do. Pictures earn their meaning from how they are used in the real world (something that elementary students have not spent much time in). For instance, one only understands the image of a simple man as a symbol for the toilet if he has seen the symbol at public toilets. A word "toilet" may suffice for the child to understand. Also, it really depends on whether the elementary student has a better affinity for words, or for pictures. At the stage of development you have defined, the child's mental framework is still developing. One cannot ascertain whether the child processes images or words more readily. Hence, your sweeping statement cannot stand because pictures and words may take a more peripheral role based on circumstance, and upbringing.

2 points

Pictures have proven to be quintessential tools for political change, reform, and influence. Reformist presidential canditate Mir Hossein Mousavi has used pictures among another media to sway young voters in bid to remove then President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Shi'ite cleric Mohammad Ali Abtahi attributed Mr Mousavi's success in consolidating the votes of youth to Mr Mousavi's use of political imagery and Mr Ahmadinajad's stubborn believe of using only rhetoric and speeches to persuade. Clearly, certain political circumstances provide the premise for pictures to take on a more effective role.

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