
Blizzardbird's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Blizzardbird's arguments, looking across every debate.

So stop responding.

Seriously, when I respond, it helps Cartman to stand out more, not myself.

He's too dumb, I love it when he stands out.

I never stand out on this site, I'm too clever.

You really don't understand how dumb you are calling someone else dumb do you?

I love it when you stand out.

2016-05-17 ... End-Time Prophecy Manifesting in Obama's Transgender Edict .... On Tuesday, the superintendent of the Fort Worth Independent School District signed new guidelines for boys to use girls' bathrooms and play in girls' sports throughout the entire district. But he didn't stop there. He expanded the guidelines to say, "Prior to notifying any parent ... regarding the student's gender identity or any potential transition process, school personnel must work closely with the student to assess the degree to which, if any, the parent ... has been or will be involved in the process." ...... continue

I would be wary of that source, honestly!

It's more like a parody news site more than anything else, except for it perhaps being a bit more orthrodox.

if the American people wish to make this a "political" issue and or a moral issue we will indeed do so ....

or it'll become a moral / political issue as large as the President wants to make it ....

decreeing law (on his part) is a good place to start

You're really stupid. The first person to bring up locker rooms was only just recently and it was in the form of Ted Cruz. Not Obama. Ted Cruz is just paranoid about locker rooms for some reason, he's just reacting to what he sees as a decline in America, he just feels the situation is desperate.

It has no bearing on politics or Ted Cruz's actual viewpoints on other matters.

Please, agree with me or you've just going to prove to me that you're stupid.

No, you fucking idiot, you can't accept what he told me. You took one word of his argument and threw out everything else.

You quoted his entire argument for me. You've disproven yourself, nutbrain.

Well, you aren't very good at providing quotes. It is a skill mastered by 5 year olds and you can't even do it. How does that make you feel?

You're a pathetic little boy aren't you?


You're a complete idiot.

My very first comment showed indifference to Cartman's opinion, until he responded.


the Antichrist will emerge from total moral and political confusion and chaos ..... are we there yet ?

Please ignore FromWithin, don't follow his ilk.

Being obsessed over locker rooms is a moral issue at best, it's not a political issue, it doesn't have to be dealt with politically.

Being concerned about locker rooms is not part of being a conservative or a Christian, or anything.

Please ignore FromWithin, I've never ever heard of Locker rooms being a political issue.

This bill was only done recently, prior to this no talk has ever been made out of transgenders and locker rooms or toilets.

Please ignore FromWithin, he's trying to make it look like a bigger political issue than it really is. It's not.

I've never ever heard of a conservative raise issues about locker rooms before, please ignore FromWithin, he's trying to make it out like locker rooms is a conservative issue, it's not.

Most conservatives don't care about locker rooms.

It's not the conservatives that I'm worried about, it's just that I don't want it to crop up as a political issue full stop.



CartMan said:

"It's the conservatives who are more concerned with bathrooms than with reality you jackass."

By bathrooms Cartman was obviously referring to locker rooms as well. Read his posts from the start.

In reponse to me mentioning that conservatives aren't interested in locker rooms, Cartman responded: "The conservatives are the ones making the laws."

So Cartman does indeed claim that conservatives are pre-occupied with locker rooms, unlike what he has previously said.

You got everything wrong. Every single statement you made was wrong. That's what is wrong

This is because you can't except that you had told of IamSparticus.

All that I had done was provide a quote for you, quotes can't lie, can they?

It was in response to a guy who wasn't debating properly. Since you don't think responding to me improperly by pointing out I am debating improperly means that I am not guilty, or that you are guilty as well.

No, you're wrong as always.

When I was pointing out all of the points that you had failed to address, I was in other words pointing out all the points that we actually need to address.

By pointing them out I was in other words addressing those points,

Mr. Wannabe Logic.

I have every right to say whatever I want. And, you have every right to change or not based on what I say.

No, we both have no right to do either of those things, otherwise we would be a detriment to this site, the users on this site as well as the people who run this site and it's creator. If we were to do any of those actions (you commit them) then it would also potentially have an effect on the internet population too, dumbing them down.

You ought to avoid that.

You aren't smart enough to handle direct conversations. I don't make as many insinuations to you as you would like to think because you can't pick up on subtle insinuations.

You're must be kidding.

Frequently people talk about someone else to you without talking about you since you can't figure things out on your own. It isn't always about you, narcissist.

People don't talk about me all that much. And I'm glad, if people talked about me constantly, I would have been sick.


Funnily enough, you display all the tell-tale signs of both a narcissist and a psychopath. Me? I display a few traits that they tend to have, I wouldn't be human if I had displayed none.

The only reason why only Cartman knows is because you are incapable of getting the right answer.

I don't think anybody is ever incapable of that, except from you. It could only be possible for someone to be wrong all the time if they did it deliberately. I think you do it on purpose, it makes you popular, it's isolationist cult mentally that exists on this site.

Most people on this site just can't stand the truth, they prefer lies. Cult leaders try to induce weaknesses in people and feed on them, such as peoples preference for lies.

You're a sad little cult leader on CreateDebate.

You didn't give a position, dipshit. You asked a bunch of questions without giving the answers then said anyone who doesn't answer those questions isn't debating.

I wasn't able to provide you with the answers, because you would have not accepted those answers. I had to get you interested in providing those answers first, or at least get you keen on finding out those answers.

People often don't understand something if they weren't interested in searching for it.

Why don't you include a fragment that doesn't make you look like a complete hypocrite?

Because you're only interested in making me out to be a complete idiot when I say something honest.

Yes, the stupid arguments get you called stupid.

You call me stupid because I hold a particular set of beliefs, you don't give a fuck about the arguments I use to support those believes. You're weak.

If you believe things are true that are definitely false you are a moron.

How would you know whether things are true or false? You don't even know what consensus is all about. Nothing here has been proven to be true or false completely, brainless.

You're just a little man claiming that his believes are somehow always "right".

Believing in complete falsehoods is not thinking outside of the box, that's just plain not thinking.

LMAO who gave you the right to determine complete falsehoods? If one adds things up properly, then yes, they are thinking outside the box, doesn't mean that what you say is true.

Anything that is in itself false is a complete falsehood. Idiot.

It's as stupid as the term "pure energy".

Anything that is energy is pure energy unless chemical compounds are mixed in within the energy.

If something consists of both real and false elements, it still ceases to actually be real, meaning the true elements are therefore not really properties. They're just projections in our minds that happen to an appearance that is the same as the truth.

Everything is all about the mind and it's perspective.

It's all about context, my reluctant student who decides never to learn from what I say.

You just have to have consistent beliefs.

You can make anything out to be consistent, you could even provide evidence for the tooth fairy, but it's pretty pointless.

Just because you are too fucking dumb to read doesn't mean I wrote it in a garbled way.

Is this your last resort, smallbrains?

No one has ever actually started arguing about this, especially you.

Focus on your own inability to argue, runt.

You guys are still arguing over this?

Cartman isn't even arguing, he's just sending dumb accusations.

First of all, that isn't true. Second, that doesn't have anything to do with what I said.

You're an idiot but you've encouraged by your dumb friends on this site that you are extremely intelligent.

On this site, if you use a particular type of argument, then you are accused of being stupid. If you believe a certain thing is true, it automatically makes you stupid according to the morons on this site.

The morons aren't interested in whether or not you think outside the box.

You have to believe in a particular set of beliefs to be classed as smart on this site by all the morons here, too. Saying it in a stupid garbled way while playing mumbo jumbo word games makes people think you are genius, you never fail to do this, so I guess all the idiots on this site tend to think of you as some genius.

Context, fucker. We were talking about my first response.

This was your first response on this site. It doesn't actually prove anything, just generalisations. That isn't debating properly.

"This side is for people who don't want crossdressers in their bathroom."

Not my problem. If people are too fucking stupid to know that I can talk about other people when I talk to them then they need to change.

You have no right to tell others when they need to change. If you talk to someone and yet talk about someone else, it's called making insinuations, you always make insinuations, funny, because those insinuations are always just stupid generalisations that you make and we know how non-specific generalisations are, no wonder nobody is able to figure out whether or not you are making insinuations or outright claims.

Great analysis dipshit. You don't even know what anyone is talking about. How the fuck can you judge if anyone else fucked up.

You've got no evidence so you can't make generalisations, what was this behind this generalisation, was it an insinuation or an outright claim? Only stupid Cartman knows.

Hey dipshit, if I screwed up by not mentioning that stuff when addressing someone who didn't mention it, you also screwed up by not mentioning it when you talked to me. Don't forget about yourself you stupid forgetful fucko.

Of course I mentioned it, re-read my first post to you, idiot.

"If you had both the brains and the willingness to debate then you really should ask yourself the following questions:

a; should people who think they are the opposite sex be allowed in your bathroom just because they think they are the opposite sex

b; should bathrooms be gender segregated

c; does wearing clothes from the opposite because they make you feel more comfortable stop you from going to the bathroom.

d; are people who have a physical "sex change" actually validly called the sex that their bodies sex was changed into?"

And that was just a fragment of my first post to you on this particular debate.

No seriously. Go back and read your argument. Every single thing you said was wrong. Really. All of it.


What's wrong, are you trying to deny the fact that you thought that Hillary was the worst democratic candidate and that IamSparticus disagreed and believed that she wasn't necessarily the worst, despite the fact that she was fairly bad?

Why deny it?

You already said that it was FromWithin not representing conservatives bringing it up.

So what? I attributed it to FromWithin, but you explicitly attributed it to conservatives.

You already explained that I wasn't attacking conservatives, I was attacking FromWithin.

No, you were attacking conservatives because you explicitly stated that locker rooms was something that conservatives ruminate about, you didn't mention it as if it was just something FromWithin says.

How come all of the sudden you are trying to make it out like you believe only FromWithin said it, instead of stating that all conservatives do it? Is it because I've backed you into a corner and you know fully well how stupid your original statement was, so you deny saying it?


Just because your responses aren't predictable doesn't mean they are any good. No one can predict what stupidity you will use, how is that good?

You're so predictable that you fail to bring up any original argument. You're stupid since you lack any form of originality, like everyone else on this site.

You provided no reason to think that you were not referring to me. You need to be careful of what you constantly accuse people of, no wonder people think you're always talking about them, it's because you are always talking to them when you mention accusations.

Regardless of whether you are talking about yourself or Jolie, you fucked up pretty bad.

She did as well, but don't forget about yourself.

Only a fucking idiot would think that 2 people were the same because other people treated them the same. How fucking dumb do you have to be to not think about whether they were making the same arguments?

On this site, if two people make the same arguments then only then are they are accused of being stupid.

Try to understand how cult mentality works, worthless ball of snot.

You already admitted it wasn't me doing it. You lost.

You are the one who accused conservatives of it, not me, boyo.

Congratulations. You shattered your record for the dumbest post on the entire website. I can't believe you keep stepping up to the plate to say stupid stuff. Every single thing you wrote was stupid. Every. Single. Thing.

You are Eric Cartman, the spoilt brat. You are so spoilt with stupidity you think everybody else is offering you it.

Eric Cartman from south park is apparently egotistical like that. You're just a child.

Maybe you should create another debate with the new topic you are trying to introduce, and I'll be happy to come there and mock the agnostics.

Agnostics and Atheists are the same pretends to be intelligent and the other one pretends to know it all.

Well, it's not necessarily agnostics or atheists that I am trying to mock. Cartman prefers to do that best.

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