
Bporter's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Bporter's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

I don't think this question is going to give you the results you are actually looking for. It seems like you want to know if Barack Obama being our president has negatively affected our lives in the last four years. My life in the past four years has actually been amazing. I recommitted my life to Christ, graduated college, got married, got my first home, started my career, had my second child and took some great vacations!

HOWEVER, Obama's leadership, or lack thereof, has definitely made for some hard times. I have been flat broke at times (including recently). Thank God I am a SCIENCE teacher or I'd be without a job. Gas prices have about killed our household because my husband travels all over for work and drives a truck that gets about 17 miles to the gallon. We have watched our President almost double our nation's debt from when he came into office. Many people have lost jobs. Our economy is crap. We have watched him make a mockery of our nation and our values. I can't wait for Tuesday, and I really hope that he doesn't get re-elected. Here's to hoping that the next 4 years are better than the last 4!!!!

2 points

This is so true! I go to a very large church (almost 20,000 members) and our pastor told us of an encounter he had with a proclaimed "atheist" on a plane ride. He challenged the guy and said, "You aren't an atheist." The guy argued with him and defended his stance that there was no God. Pastor said that he was not an atheist unless he had proof that there is no God. Of course the guy didn't have a leg to stand on, and by the end of their flight, he accepted Jesus as his Savior :)

Christianity is faith-based for certain, but God is more than willing and able to reveal himself in different ways. Cancer free scans after a diagnosis, a mystery envelope of money in the mailbox for the EXACT amount you need to pay your rent, the miracle of a child when 10 different specialists have told you it wasn't possible, and this list could go on and on. If you open yourself to allow for an encounter with God, there is no denying that He is very real!!!!!

1 point

It's not about stifling religious freedom. Nor is it about association via demographic. The predominant religion in the three countries you named is Christianity, just as it is in America, so of course no one would be offended at that. While a cold-blooded murder committed against an innocent person is horrible, it pales in comparison to the heinous acts committed AGAINST OUR ENTIRE NATION by an extremist Muslim religious group. I think it is a slap in this nation's face that the request was even made to build a mosque there. There is a constant reminder of what happened at ground zero. Why add insult to injury?

1 point

I bet if we asked him, he'd agree to spend money to recreate the event. I'm sure he's spent my hard earned money on something equally as senseless as a Titanic recreation!

3 points

Just like Obama went into overkill with his spending? How do people actually still support him after the circus he's run the last 4 years?

1 point

Isn't the debate about teachers being lazy, not boring? Lazy and boring have zero relation to one another. Now, for my stance on the matter! Being a teacher myself, no, we are not lazy. I work 50-60 hours a week, and those are just the hours that I clock at school. I then come home and grade papers, enter grades, call parents, create lesson plans, and answer emails. I would say I put in at least 70 hours a week between being on campus and the work I do at home. Plus, I make an hour and 20 minute commute ONE WAY! My husband pretty much plays mister mom because my job demands so much time of me, and there are some days I don't even get to see my son if I get home late. I leave my house at 6 am and return home at 7 pm (sometimes later). I am lazy's arch nemesis. In addition to the hours, I teach at a charter school. My students are ALL gang members or drug addicts (some former, some current). Kids get high on heroin IN CLASS. We have to sign off on police reports when we catch one doing drugs. We have to break up fights all the time and hope that those kids aren't packing. Does it sound like any amount of money could qualify me as "overpaid"? Do you have a remote clue of how little teachers get paid? In Texas, the average annual salary for the state is $38,000. If you have a house, car, phone, utilities, buy groceries, pay bills and have children under your roof, just how much do you think your monthly cost really is? That's not to mention the $8,400 a year I pay for my family to have medical insurance. If you want to have a real debate, ask a relevant question next time and have facts that back your stance. Lord I hope you don't plan on going to law school. Let me know if you do so I make certain to NEVER use your services...I'd end up in federal prison over a traffic ticket.

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