
Cheperdue09's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Cheperdue09's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I think it has a huge effects. Some people write papers like how they text. Sometimes it is hard to change the way you write from texting style to how you have to write in class. Especially in english when you can't misspell a word or your grammer has to be really good. I know some people can text and than re-adjust their brains to think straight when they are writing a paper. But it takes a lot of practice and you still sometimes think how like you text. It's really difficult to go from the way you text to how you have to write when you communicate or write.

2 points

I personally think nobody should be watched for being supposively suspicious. Who knows, maybe the person is a detective himself for another country or city. I think what you do on your own time is private and its your business. It wouldn't be fair if the government doesn't have to be watched and we do. It's our own birth right to have our own privacy. It shouldn't done even for suspicious individuals. Figuring out that whatever they do can be solved another way.

1 point

I think it's better to have a lousy father then fatherless, because a father just being in the childs life has a huge impact on the child. Without a father, the child will not feel secure in a certain sense. Of course, mothers give that feeling, but fathers give it in another way. A girl for example, girls who have fathers are less careless then girls without. To me, I see girl's who don't have fathers grow up a hard life. Boys, they probably feel like they have to take on the fatherly responsiblity as they get older. Which shouldn't be the case.

1 point

I would turn my husband in because that's just plain wrong. I would explain "How would you feel if somebody killed a family member or a close friend? Would you want them to be punished?" So for doing a wrong and to become better you have to take your consequence's.

1 point

I think Shakespeare's work should stay in high school because it teaches students different art from long ago. The way they write is really unique and beautiful. Kids should study the way people used to write.

1 point

I agree because no matter what situation you're in, you can still free your mind and there is no control over it. So if somethin' happens to you or your family, you have a choice to feel what you want and nobody can tell you to stop.

-1 points

Your right. We are suppose to be free. Thats why people come here, and if they dont have chances then I dont know why we should still that famous sloggen

1 point

If I was voting for a president I would lean towards McCain. He shouldn't force people to do something they don't want to do. If you are lazy, you should be treated and get what lazy people get. If you work hard, you should get what you deserve for working hard and not give it to people who want to be lazy. This country is based on freedom and he wants to take away more of our freedom. I've noticed he has started targeting people who doesn't like his ideas and make them look bad.

And by the way, when people say McCain is retarded because of his hands, its because he was in the Vietnamese War and was a prisioner. He has more respect for America then Obama.

Obama didnt have a chance to be in any kind of war, but he could have supported our Military.

I want to live in a free country.

1 point

Batman has a better reason and its because he doesnt want people or children to fall into his shoes from the past. He is secretive, and very mysterious.

Superman is also mysterious but he isn't always there for people. Unlike Batman, Superman has a job while Batman is already rich and can focus on how to help people

1 point

I think it is better to be loved then feared because love is a wonderful thing to experience then to have never been through it. It is better to be loved and go through with it knowing what love is all about then to never know how good it feels. Fear is just a coward not trying new things.

2 points

Shootings has happened at other schools, and it can happen anywhere. Its not just for criminals, it is to catch people who starts fights, stealing just things like.

2 points

In this case, it's good to have cameras to have proof if any child, or teacher stole anything, or if any fights break out. They should just keep certain amount of cameras in the halls and not everywhere where the students feel like being stalked.

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