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13 points

Most of you have heard at least one time before "you can’t watch T.V. until you finish your homework." Haven’t you? Well if you haven’t your very lucky. But what is the point of homework you may ask well me and a couple of experts on school and test taking believe that in fact there is no point. Let me outline the facts. Number one homework wastes a lot of time, number two homework has little educational value and number three homework makes you feel even more tired and stressed than you already are. Those are simply the facts. Be warned all of you who love homework I’m about to put a tip on this point!

First of all, homework not only takes up a lot of time but it wastes a lot of time! Time that could be spent doing many other things like interacting with family, or playing outside with friends, maybe even cleaning up your community. Recent studies show that most students have only one hour of homework a night. Well I honestly don’t know which students they surveyed because it wasn’t me, or anyone in my school for that matter. Because almost everyday someone I know says their exhausted because of how much time they spent doing homework the previous night. It squeezes out every last drop of time you have to relax or be active and leaves you tired, cranky, and in a bad mood. It really is just a big waste of perfectly good time.

Next, Homework has very little educational value. It was actually tested and students that did homework got the same test scores as kids who didn't do homework. On the other side they say that there isn't enough time in school to cover the subjects. But honestly after 7 hours of school I think we've covered everything we need to and then some. But apparently the teachers don't think so because they load on as much as 3 hours of homework. Although the kids I know usually hardly try so it doesn't really help. Also how do the teachers know it's really even the kids work, if maybe the kid cheats? To be honest I don't think it helps kids academically to know how to cheat.

Finally, homework is almost always done when a kid is already tired from a long day at school. As a result the kid usually doesn't even try. So what's the point is what I'm asking. He/she will rush through it so he/she can get to bed. Imagine this you go to school take 2 tests in science and math your worst subjects, tests you were up all of the previous night studying for, then forget your project for social studies at home, at lunch you drop your tray but are out of money and the school is out of food, then when you get to P.E. you have to run the pacer and you only get to 5 because your shoelace comes untied and you trip and fall. When you think it's finally over and you can go home and relax think again; you have 30 problems in math, a social studies review with 64 questions, science and english packets, and a project for your foreign language class all due tomorrow. That amount of homework isn't all that unusual and neither is the stress.

So hopefully now you understand what I'm trying to say. Homework is A.) A waste of time B.) Pointless in the academic spectrum and C.) tires kids out even more than they already are. Really this much homework is insane and unnecessary and it's not making our future generation any smarter. It's actually making us lose our minds and our social lives. So go ahead teachers keep on assigning pointless homework tasks that supposedly reinforce what we learned in the classroom. Really they just bore us to sleep when we lay down for the 2 minutes it takes us to guess on every problem so we can get some sleep. You teachers want to know why test scores are dropping it's because most kids are tired after being up all night working on homework and then sitting down in front of a test their too exhausted to see and trying to figure out the answers. Us kids only have one childhood so let us live it!

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