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dem6(80) Clarified
1 point

haha ok i see where you are coming from. But then sneezing is inevitable. Smoking is not. I'm not sure if i want smoking to be banned altogether, although i do think that banning it would be more beneficial than if we didn't. We all know that there are negative effects on health to those who smoke and to those that are around people who smoke. I mean, what is the point of smoking anyway? In the past, people did it because they thought it was fashionable. But they didn't know it's effects back then. Today, we know its effects. So why still smoke? I mean, are there any benefits from smoking that I don't know about? (this is a genuine question, btw)

I guess, we could all argue that everybody has the right to decide what they want to do with their lives as long as our decisions and actions don't harm others. So smoking in public could be banned and people could still smoke in private as long as they are alone, or they have the permission from those around them to smoke. But still, wouldn't banning it altogether be productive to everybody. Wouldn't it be a much greater cause? What if we can all look past the individual human rights, and look at the greater good that would come out it..?

3 points

He was a monster, but yes, he was also a great politician. (Politician defined as: a person who is professionally involved in politics, especially as a holder of an elected office; a person who acts in a manipulative and devious way, typically to gain advancement within an organization.)

He had a certain view of his own for his country and his people, and he didn't shy away from it. He stood up for his views and was determined to implement it. He convinced his men that he was right and led his people to take drastic measures to make his vision true. Not many people have the ability to coax such a large number of people into doing things that were so insane and inhumane. But I think that this is one of the most important skills a politician must have to win over his/her people and stay their leader and to represent them. If only Hitler wasn't a barbaric maniac, and if he used his skills (especially his orating skills) for a better cause, such as equality, then he wouldn't have only been one of the most powerful or influential politicians, but also one of the most loved politicians.

1 point

Meant to be?! Are you kidding me?!

Let's start from the beginning here. Gays and lesbians have always existed on this planet. Sure the 'traditional' marriage you're talking about has only been between a man and a woman. But that is because in the past, society had so much more influence on people's lives. Before a few 100 years ago, religious beliefs made up the laws. And we humans believed that it was against our religion, something that was such a big part of our lives, to fall in love with or be romantically involved with someone of the same sex. And when all the world that we know is following something and everything that we have been taught since the day we were born is being contradicted by this strong innate feeling, it's a staggering feeling. You're suddenly unsure about everything, but at the same time you are unable to ignore who you are. In the past, being a homosexual was a sin and therefore illegal, so they were punished cruelly. For this reason alone, gays and lesbians in the past kept their feelings to themselves and lived a life of lie.

Homosexuality is not unnatural! Sure, it's not common in our society. But, can you really blame all the gays and lesbians for not coming out, when the society is giving them hell all the time?

1 point

Yes, I think so. Technology is usually built to give us at least an almost concrete answer. Most of our laws today are open to interpretations. That's where the jury and the judges come in. One case could be ruled out on negligence by one judge but on a second appeal, it could be ruled more favorably by another judge and the jury. Overall, laws are created all the time around the world. If we need a more fairer judgement, and a judgement that will apply to everybody who commits that crime, then we need to build more specific technologies.

1 point

If abortions aren't allowed already, then they should!

If you're saying that abortions shouldn't be used as a method of contraception, then you are absolutely right. There are health risks involved in it, so i agree with you.

But if it was an unplanned pregnancy, and both the parents (or just the guy and the girl) are not ready to be parents yet, then you simply can't force them. It's important to remember that the parents' lives are changed forever once they have a child.

if, as you say, abortions were made illegal, then every unplanned/unwanted child will be given away or left on the streets (as we know happens in asian countries). If the child is lucky enough to be adopted, then that's great! But not all kids will get to be so lucky.

7 points

History and evolution has created an image and expectation for women. That is to be humble and sweet. They could be determined and ambitious about something, but it should be hidden. Women are taught to never reveal their smartness and when they are successful, it's reveals their inner strength and determination. Most humans (men and women, mostly unconsciously, due to what the society has taught us over the years) today can just not find these qualities attractive in a women.

Now of course there are exceptions such as Mother Teresa and others, and I applaud them. But most women today still struggle to find their way to the top. They show a confidence, they come across as a bitch. They act humble, they come across as an inexperienced 'girl'.

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