
Downvote's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Downvote's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

That's a whole 18 years before the little bastard is out of the house!

2 points

I would surrender in the hopes of saving my family. In the hopes of surviving long enough to fight another day when the situation on the ground has changed.

I would not offer my family as sacrificial lambs while I try in vain to hang onto my pride and dignity.

2 points

I wanna adopt a 22 year old hot chic.

The minimum length for an argument is 50 characters. The purpose of this restriction is to cut down on the amount of dumb jokes, so we can keep the quality of debate and discourse as high as possible.

1 point

Well...., when you consider that the Palestinian flag is a rip off of both the Puerto Rican AND Cuban flags (different color and no star), Yeah, I would say the Israeli flag is way more creative. Who else has a Star of David on their flag? ;)

1 point

I think you mean the Sahara Desert .

1 point

There is no history of any general being a homosexual .

1 point

How is this even a debate? Just using google and wikipedia one kind find in seconds what it would have taken hours to research before the internet.

Plus, you can stay completely up to date on all news stories instead of having to wait for the t.v. to report it, or newspapers to show it.

1 point

Why would you ban this nice fellow? This isn't a serious debate and he isn't causing trouble.... That's just wrong.

1 point

2. Business cycles can by caused by a number of things, but I fail to see how the Central Bank is one of them. Inflation caused by speculative buying, and followed by a price correction can have the effect of causing a boom followed by a bust. The issue with the bust is that a downward spiral occurs in which people get laid off, and so there are less people spending money, so businesses make less money so more people get laid off. In addition, sticky wages make it difficult, if not impossible for the problem to correct itself naturally.

1. This is where the government must step in and spend money. While it is true that this excess spending will cause inflation in the long run, in the short run it will allow more people to have jobs, and thus be able to spend more. This increased spending will allow businesses to hire more workers and allow the economy to return to full output. Full output means both full employment and a return to the way things were before the bust. All inflation does is raise the price level, no one is actually hurt and the economy is no longer depressed. In other words the poor are helped, not hurt.

3 points

But then again, innocent palestinians were driven out of their homes.

1 point

God isn't necessary for the universe to exist

Unless he was the one who created it.

-1 points

Then they should just give up. Why keep on fighting a fight you can't win? How retarded is that?

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