
Froglover's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Froglover's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

"In Beauty and the Beast, Belle ends up being trapped by the Beast, who mistreats her and is quite abusive. At the end of the movie, he becomes a gentleman and is magically changed from a beast back into a human again. This story appears to be great because he actually changed for the better, but it sends a terrible signal to young girls and ladies. This movie shows us that abusive men won’t always mistreat us if we stay with them long enough, which is very false! With abusive relationships on the increase, this is one of the worst messages Disney has ever portrayed." Quote from Angelica Stephens from The Celebrity Cafe.

1 point

Yea, because just because they have no religion doesn't mean the think,"man I wish I didn't shot him," or, "I wish I asked her out." so yeah the can have sins.

1 point

This guy has a great point. Religious people like priest are known to lie and leave stuff out.

1 point

Dude, where did you get that info, Evolution is happening at this very moment. :/

1 point

If you look at history, they wrote it 200 years after Jesus died. During the Medieval Times (when bible was written) the average life span was 25 years, that means, it was written 8 life times after Jesus died. Also, how would that prove of God? I rest my case. :D

1 point

God does not control the bad people in the world, the bad people control them selves to be bad.

1 point

If God was all powerful than how you explain that nothing has happened to atheists?

1 point

If God was all powerful and all knowing, than why did he make the Devil? If he was all powerful and all knowing then wouldn't he have not made the Devil?

1 point

You have a great point. Hell was written in a book written 1000 some years ago!

1 point

Agree, you have a great point there. Every one has a different belief and view on the world.

1 point

Every one has different views and different stories so I think No.

1 point

Well, he did find the land first for the Spaniards but the vikings still got there first and the natives where there already.

1 point

He also claimed that he found the Caribbean islands when the Native Americans first lived there, then people from Asia came and found it, then the Vikings found it so he was the 4th person to find it.

1 point

Yes because he killed off natives to the land he came acrossed, enslaved them, and was a very greedy person.

1 point

I think they are cool because they are not like other animals

1 point

I think that it is a bad idea because kids should be able to use their creative side and some kids like to use their creativity.

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