
Iancwm's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Iancwm's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

If you are referring to the Crusades, it was not in "the name of God" actually. It was only a rallying call. However, it was more likely because the Catholic Church at the time was a body of immense power, and they felt threatened by the Middle Eastern Muslims.

It is rather hypocritical of you, but at least you know what to ask your Priest and know whats shaking your faith. Your opinion of yourself is not limited by others, only your own judgement.

1 point

Like HELL no. Every Nation needs some form of security one way or another. America is a country ultra developed in terms of infrastructure. If it was free for the taking any country would want to bring their tanks over and take over the capital city.

But, I do support the view that the U.S Army should not be sent thousands of miles from home to do what other Armies should be doing for themselves ( 'Nam, Korea, Iraq to name a few famous examples ) The U.S Army should remain standing, just not on other's soil.

1 point

And miss out on a rich source of knowledge to start small talk on? Dont you business people need some form of small talk to warm up to your clients? Its always good to add a personal touch to your approach to business. You dont have to STUDY history, just know roughly what people are talking about.

0 points

Well, too bad politicians are the most childish and immature people in the world then.

However, we, the united peoples of the world, are a force to be reckoned with. If all of us work towards preventing another Saddam Hussein or Hitler from gaining power, Im sure the world would be a better place.

Well, thats still an ideal way above what we can achieve as the world we are in its current state. However, its always nice to have the hope that if there were more of you, the world would be a better place.

1 point

You are completely missing the point of history. Perhaps because youve been exposed to history in a negative light. I agree with you in the sense knowing about what historical objects were significant to what people and when is just plain useless. Dates wont get you anywhere.

But there is SO much more to history than dates. With history you learn about what significant people have done before you and what that resulted in. It serves to help you develop as a person. What if another tyrant like Hitler were to take power again? What if your parents were killed just because they opposed the tyrant? What would life be like? Imagine being forced to work for something you dont want to work for just because the tyrant thinks it is beneficial for strengthening his grip on society? Dont you wish at that point in time you studied what the tyrant was doing before he came to power, and wish that you could do something to prevent it? And wouldnt you wish others would have done something to stop it?

If you wish to prevent catastrophes like the above from happening, how are you going to know about what the tyrant is doing to get into power if you dont even have any examples to learn from? History is the most powerful tool Man has to learn and to progress.

Perhaps you have not reached that stage where life would mean more than studying to get a job yet. You might change your mind when the time comes.

But yeah I agree, dates suck!

2 points

"To not know what happened before one was born is to remain a child" - Cicero

How can we mature without learning? And how do we learn without examples? History is rich in examples. And we should take an effort to at least know the major happenings of modern history.

3 points

Expanding on your argument here. Well, in history, we learn how people make mistakes. For example, how Hitler played on the feelings of the German public to bring himself into power and bring about the monstrosity that was the German War Machine. We also learn of how childish politics like the Cold War are for naught. When we look at these mistakes and see a similar situation happening/brewing, we would know what has happened, is happening, and what will happen. If everyone took a deeper insight into history, or at least the more significant bits, everyone would be more enlightened and would know when a tyrant is about to take power and can unite to take him down. It also serves as a great source of jokes and for conversation topics.

-1 points

Ever seen a red carpet?

Then again... maybe I have been watching too many chick flicks.

2 points

Well.... it would work based on the assumption everyone is logical, and wants the best for himself. However, there are some people in this world who just love making trouble to attract attention to themselves. Im pretty sure in an anarchist state, there would be a significant increase in the rates of crime just because people want to make a name for themselves, or because the "ends justify the means". Not saying that right now the U.S. is totally crazy teen gunslinger free, or in essence, free of oppression by individuals or gangs, however, if you think about it, at least under a dictatorship there would be SOME form security. I say again, your point is valid, for the majority of the population who have a mindset of their own and can think for themselves. However, for the unenlightened brute on the streets, when there is no government, he would just resort to oppressing people for the sick pleasure of knowing he is stronger than other people.

This is still a grey area though. Extremes seldom work.

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