
Kaiji154's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Kaiji154's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

No there isn't any singular Japanese school outfit but their all pretty much the same thing

1 point

Ok now you have a point but I guess it just depends where the "discrimination" is taking place.

1 point

I have read some of your responses but I still feel the same, sure not everyone is exactly equal but we all have the same rights thus we are all equal in a way.

3 points

No it shouldn't because of things like these, people getting in silly fights like these, if god didn't exist then there wouldn't be any silly fights about him and the world would be a way better place because I actually lost a few friends because I stopped believing in god.

1 point

Of course not, no discrimination should be allowed, not gender baised or race baised or anything. Everyone was created equal, end of story.

1 point

Why should he be celebrated? He brought the enslavement, rape, and torture of many native Americans.

1 point

Your just trying to me a big pervert and a big no body who's trying to piss everyone off with your dumb nonsense.

1 point

Of course not, Disney princess are fake plus super skinny and are bad examples for plus sized girls who have a hard time finding the right guy.

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