
Keldiaz's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Keldiaz's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Even though you may think texting does not affect your writing, it does. Say you just finished texting all your friends and then you have an essay to do for English, well first of all you’re writing will not be so perfect nor will you use big words in your essay. I mean who uses innocuous in a text message, also when your texting theirs a lot of abbreviation and sometimes you forget what the root word was. Besides miss spelling words text message can also affect your emotions. For insistence, what if you receive a sad text message right before the English essay you will lose concentration and not do so well.

1 point

No matter what the government will abuse this law and end up putting cameras every where. There is no way to really monitor the suspicious people.

1 point

Even though it would be a good thing if the government caught every suspicious terrorist before they harmed our country it would also be a bad thing. What if the government blamed everyone to be suspicious then no one in this country would have privacy! There is no way that the government can know who is really suspicious and who is not suspicios!

4 points

My parents divorced when I was one, meaning that I never had the chance to live with my father. Still to this day I call my dad and talk to him, I feel that no matter how lousy your father is he is still your father. My father is very lousy he never comes to visit me or never bothers to ask how I’m doing, but at the end of the day all that matters is that I have a father. I still wait for that day to come when my father will have a change of heart and become the father I always wanted him to be. I strongly believe that being able to have a father in general gives you hope for that special day where he will change but if your fatherless than there’s no hope for him to change.

2 points

You could get more punishment for being a witness, so i guess you could help your spouse by not turning him in. But sooner or later both of you will be in jail (F.Y.I).

0 points

In this situation it depends whether you knew the victim or if it was a stranger. If my husband killed a random stranger, then YES I would definitely turn him in because that considers him a psycho and what if he kills me too. But if he killed a person that I knew and that was harming us then I would think about it. It’s most likely that I would turn him in just because I would be afraid to leave with a person like that, and also what if he thinks I will say something and kills me too.

1 point

I strongly believe that helping yourself is not a selfish thing to do. If everyone took care of themselves and tried to make themselves better people then there would be no use of common good. You are the only person that knows what you feel, think and believe if you want change you would do change to yourself.

1 point

If high school students are required to study about history and learn math problems that people in the past invented then why shouldn’t high school students study about Shakespeare? Shakespeare’s literature inspires many people around the world to write and the way he wrote his plays and poems were very unique. I strongly believe that high students should study about Shakespeare because it will allow them to understand English literature better and it will also allow them to express themselves a lot better.

-1 points

I agree with Jean-Paul's statement because I feel that freedom is our way of expressing our selves. Also we would not have freedom if it was not for the leaders of America. So i strongly believe that the quote means, people take what others have done for this country and express their freedom throughout the world.

0 points

I believe that Obama should be president because we are America and in the past years we have not been doing so well as a country. It's not going to hurt us that bad if we take risk and vote for Obama and see what he has to offer us. We Americans have trust McCain to be our senator for so long and look at America now, why not take a risk and change our country for good. Also i highly respect McCain because he has given a lot to his country but being President is alot of responsibility.

I just want to end this with saying for the past years America has gone down and today we have to the chance to choose our leader. Let's make a change and vote for our leader, Obama!

2 points

Money will not buy you everything in life. In most cases it is better to be respected than wealthy because atleast you know that people respect you and are there for you. Being wealthy is o.k but money comes and goes.

When people are respected they are respected for who they are and wealthy people are only liked because of their money.

1 point

A hero is someone who goes beyond their powers to save people and if Superman just so happens to have special powers well atleast he uses them for good deeds and not for the bad. I think Superman is more heroic because he was given more talent to be a bigger hero!

-1 points

Every year a new trend begins, and every year the school staff trys to prevent students from expressing their selves. The fact that we can not wear any type of head gear makes no sense what so wrong with wearing hats? I think the school adminastators do not realize that were in a new generation and we would like to express our selves more! Also the school allows us to have a student body president but yet when the student president wants to do something new the principal has to approve of it and in most cases they do not approve of new activites we want to do!

2 points

Actually when you are feared people do respect you but inside they hate you so much so they are just waiting to do something to you. On the other hand when you are loved you make that connection with the people so they honor you and give you respect.

2 points

I would prefer to be loved because not only would people love you but they would respect you and believe in you. In most cases people think that the only way to be respected is to make people fear you but that's not true. Noone really likes to trust someone if they fear them. Even yet when someone fears you they don't speak to you because they are scared, so it's better to be loved than feared!

1 point

Actually the students who don't "use that stuff" would feel safer knowing their school is doing something to stop violence and keep everyone safe for future accidents. I don't think anybody would feel different knowing their in a safe enviroment!

4 points

Teachers will always be out numbered by the students, therefore not everything that happens on campus is being reported. Cameras would help the school alot because theres kids who suffer from abuse and no one ever notices. Not only would cameras help us prevent or stop violence but it could also be used for many other different issues. Stealing is a big problem and in a school so big and crowded like MacArthur high school anything can be lost, so cameras could help us prevent stealing. I know some people are probably against video surveillance in our school but think about it would you like to be the kid getting beat up and having no help from the school? Most of the time teachers don't believe kids when they say someone is beating them up because they say that "we have no evidence", well lets put our technology to good use and have evidence!

2 points

Its ok if you have things to do after school like tutoring and practice. What they mean is that like if you come out of tutoring at 5 then you have until 5:30 to leave campus thats fair enough i mean if your parents can't pick you up walk to the nearest site and wait for them there!

4 points

If a student is going to participate in an event they should have a ride to and from the event because when a student stays more than 30 minutes a staff member from MacArthur has to stay with them. I think it's not fair to the teachers who have to stay late just because someone forgot to pick up their child. The ticket shouldn't be so high price though because sometimes theres accidents where parents get a flat or they can't get out of work to pick up their student.

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