
Neowaltz's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Neowaltz's arguments, looking across every debate.
4 points

I was drawn to this site to debate issues of our time. What I have found is that is filled with individuals still trying to understand who they are and where they fit into society. It is also filled with young people just starting out on the fine art of debate and debate performance.

You are correct, this debate in of itself is hurtful by design. And even more evil, yes evil it attempts to normalize genocide. I plan on canceling my account after I write this.

-1 points

Statement: This rogue state, led by the gangster dictator Kim Jong-un needs to go back into it's box or be forcibly inserted.


The world is filled with many despot regimes. They are reacting to world system they exist in. The system is lawless, rewards the pursuit of power, and underscores the importance of survival of ones regime. Forcibly attempting to prevent North Korea from reacting to the system they exist in is possible if you define the type of power used. We live in the 21st century. The application of power can be either soft power, economic in nature or hard power. North Korea is not going change its course based on hard power politics.

Statement: The North Korean regime has simply walked through trade sanctions and brushed aside all attempts at negotiating a diplomatic reconciliation.


The US TRUMP ADMINISTRATION Sponsored UN Security Council Resolution 2371, Passed Aug 5th within the Security Council was historical in that both Russia and the PRC agreed to uphold the Resolution. it did not veto, it did not abstain. This allows for soft power, economic leverages to have a much stronger impact then in prior resolutions. Additionally Resolution 2371 TRUMP ADMINISTRATION Sponsored UN Security Council Resolution has the following bullet

Reaffirms the Council's support for the Six Party Talks, calls for their resumption, reiterates its support for commitments made by the Six Parties, and reiterates the importance of maintaining peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula and in Northeast Asia

And just what are those Six Party Talks about?

Security guarantee

The construction of light water reactors

Diplomatic relations -

Peaceful use of nuclear energy

Financial restrictions / Trade normalization

Verifiable and Irreversible disarmed

Interesting enough, one of the ALT rights falsehood regarding the 1994 Agreed Framework is that it provided North Korea access to light water reactors to build nuclear weapons

While a misleading statement as the Agreed Framework was never fully supported by the GOP backed Congress and thus the reactors never built, and were intentionally designed not generate the waste material used in nuclear weapons development it shall we say "proliferated" among the ALT right as proof that bill Clinton gave North Korea nuclear reactors to create nuclear weapons.

What We see in Resolution 2371 is that Trump Administration actually fully embraced both the Obama and Clinton position on Six Party talks and the agreed criteria and dropped the longstanding GOP position and, loud ALT right opposition to such discussions.


The ever smiling tub of lard has been put on notice that there will be consequences if he fulfills his threats of a nuclear attacks on the U.S.A, or it's allies.

It is he, and not America who must decide which road to take.

The road to hell has been well sign posted for him by President Trump, but if he wishes to jump on his trusty steed and go like blue blazes down that route then he has signed his own death warrant and that of his 'lecky' regime.

VIVA President Trump.


Sometimes a demonstration of power and greatness is silence. Nobody is more gleeful that Trump lowered himself to that of Kim, the despot of North Korea then Kim. The United States extended deterrent nuclear model did not need a shout out, by the President. We have something better, military exercises. The constant need to double down by Trump finally caught up with him. It is Trump on a time line not Kim.

The Resolution was good but Trumps mouth and tweets have all but insured a level of brinkmanship that was not necessary. The PRC published Friday Aug 11, an article in a national publication widely known to run the governments worldview of events. It got international attention as it indicated the PRC said it would not interfere if Korea attacked the United States or territory first and America responded. What WAS NOT REPORTED was that in that same article, the PRC in short indicated to North Korea that if one shoot missiles that land off of international waters near Guam, and America did respond in a unilateral action then it would act to defend North Korea. Diplomacy does follow the law of physics.For every action a like reaction This action by the PRC was all because Donald Trump felt the need to become irresponsible in his rhetoric with North Korea.

0 points

A)Let Kim Jong Un know our nukes are pointed back at him.

The United States extended nuclear deterrence model already implies that American nuclear weapons are not only pointed at North Korea, but would be used to insure the destruction of his regime, without any chance of survival if the North Korean regime used Nuclear weapons against the United States or its allies.

B)Send in special forces and take the punk out.

This is exactly what the regime wants. The North Korean regime has no intention of winning an all out war, it has every intention of destroying itself, Seoul, Tokyo,Guam and anything else it can reach if this action were to take place Doing so allows for the regime to self destruct. Irrational behavior such as the destruction of the despot regime itself by Kim becomes rational because the regime will no longer exist if special forces entered the nation.

C)Broker a deal with China in which China gets the land and resources in return for their help.

The PRC does not believe in what in short is a suggestion of carving North Korea into a sphere of influence based on implied suggestion of C of imperialism. The PRC would rebuff and point out that its own history of being carved into spheres of influence by European powers resulted in a longstanding position of reunification of ONE china that is still in effect today

1 point

This is not a left or right issue. This is a systems issue regarding how nation states interact with each other in a lawless world environment, in which they seek to insure survival or enhance their position of power. Being a Democrat or Republican has little to do with how one perceives North Korea as a threat or not.

In addition to viewing the world from a systems view rather then this narrow lens of the individual level of analysis one can view North Korea as a threat that is BALANCED due to the rational actor model and extended nuclear deterrence. Both of these attributes the United States believes model Kim and his regime's position regarding the actual use of a nuclear weapon in a bolt from the blue strike.

The NSA, CIA and the United States government view kim as quite rational based on the rational actor model and have this assertion in the public domain.Deterrence will work and kim is not going to attack the United States for he is rational.Despots tend to linger in world history because of the very fact that they do not want to see themselves get blown up. They do not want to see the regime destroyed.

You can see this in how Tillerson manages his language with North Korea. We do not wish to destroy you, we do not wish to do regime change, we are not your enemy. All of these are designed to underscore to Kim the importance of the rational actor model. For when you threaten the survival of the regime, you make the irrational, rational.

1 point

US Sponsored UN Security Council Resolution 2371, Passed Aug 5th within the Security Council has the following bullet

Reaffirms the Council's support for the Six Party Talks, calls for their resumption, reiterates its support for commitments made by the Six Parties, and reiterates the importance of maintaining peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula and in Northeast Asia

And just what are those Six Party Talks about?

Security guarantee

The construction of light water reactors

Peaceful use of nuclear energy

Diplomatic relations

Financial restrictions

Trade normalization

Verifiable and Irreversible disarmament

Interesting enough, one of the ALT rights falsehood regarding the 1994 Agreed Framework is that it provided North Korea access to light water reactors to build nuclear weapons

While a misleading statement as the Agreed Framework was never fully supported by the GOP backed Congress and thus the reactors never built, and were intentionally designed not generate the waste material used in nuclear weapons development it shall we say "proliferated" among the ALT right as proof that bill clinton gave North Korea nuclear reactors to create nuclear weapons.

How do you explain then this apparent and clear bullet in this current Republican administrations resolution? The support of the Six Party talks and the issues agreed on to discuss?

And please make your reply clear and concise.

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