
Nickograham's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Nickograham's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Here's a ?, and i want you to be honest with yourselves here. Do you honestly think that this is the most liberal president of all time, that his policies are so radically different then any politician to be elected since the cold war or is it that maybe, just maybe due to Fuax "News" (4tr i call them that due to the fact that a new study showed that less then 1/10 things they report about are "completely true" i.e the cost of the presidents trip to India) and their underhanded bigotry that has influenced the popular culture believe lies about the president as well as do things like vote against their own interest on things like tax cuts for the wealthy

1 point

He is either a loon or a pathological lair! With the illogical/nonsensical things he does and says points towards a level of narcissism and ignorance that is nearly incomprehensible. i.e when he said that "most people don't realize that a Light Year is a measurement of distance not time, therefore when scientist say the a star is 40 million (my number not his) light years away that doesn't mean that it took 40 million years to reach us." Hey Moron(Ham) being that like you said a Light Year is a measurement of how far light travels in a year, then that means it has taken over 40 million years for the light from that star to reach us and therefore by your own admission the universe can't be 6000 years.

7 points

Bullhonkey God doesn't make mistakes mostly because it doesn't exist.

1 point

It will have to be sold to the american people with some of the facts like, we could stop paying growers not to grow and allow them to sell there crops for things like fuel thereby increasing the economy as well as the environment

1 point

Global warming is a "theory" sort of like evolution or gravity, meaning it can change depending on if there is any new information.

1 point

Sex is a huge deal and anyone who says otherwise is lying, diluting themselves, or just simply doesn't know nearly enough about it.

See the dirty little secret about "the dirty little secret" is that it isn't so dirty, it boost moods, relieves stress and helps keeps frustration down. People who have sex on a regular bases tend to have healthier weights and better cardio vascular function as well as better emotional status

1 point

It does...... to an extent, maturity plays a vital factor in "love" but its not the only thing that depicts the success of a relationship another is compatibility, sometimes the most compatible people are ones who have very different views on things (opposites attract) it allows constructive confrontation and promotes growth.

1 point

Batman figured out who Superman was within a week without powers and hes always carriers kryptonite 24/7 he figured it out before he ever met Superman because of Wayne enterprises dealings with Luthercorp.

1 point

Here is the facts, Batman has a backup plan for any and all of the meta humans in the DC universe in case they cross the line, especially Superman he's known from the beginning what "Kent" was capable of if he ever turned.

Voltaire said "You can not let the perfect be the enemy of the necessary" unlike Superman Batman understands that he's willing be the bully the world needs so that it can be a better a place Superman is to much of a coward to cross that line.

1 point

"transhumanist ideals are in a sense, a religion of their own"

Not true a religion has belief systems that attach to it, this is an idea in and of it's own (key word "idea" it means it changes on grows depending on new information that is introduced) religion makes a standard that is all but absolute and to be followed to the letter.

The practicality of teaching evolution is simple, it is ongoing meaning new species are always to be found and researched as long as that fact remains in place it will be necessary.

4tr At the end of the day the reason "Evolution" defeats "Intelligent Design" is simple One(Evolution) has facts and evidence to support it, the other (Intelligent Design) was developed to help verify something written by superstitious tribesmen who had no other way to explain there existence it then stuck because of the power of control that it gives to whomever knows how to use it.

1 point

Evolution can also be observed in real time hence viruses the reason why viruses can not be eliminated is because they consistently evolve faster than they can be wiped out, once you have a cure for one strain it's already developed into to numerous different forms. 4tr at least it has actual evidence to support it unlike creationism.

1 point

I think the issue is the exact term used "Believe" it's a fallacy passed down before rational thought can allow for interpretation. Imagen yourself as company having that kind of selling power that you can force the superiority of your product from birth and then the consumer upon reaching thinking age forfeits all the benefits of said product if they are to deviate from it in any manner and from that point debunking any argument against it merely by insisting that "absence of proof=proof."

1 point

No offence but this is very likely one the most negligent things I have ever heard in my entire life. If we never are to figure out how it is we came to be then we'll never truly understand where it is we are going and/or to become.

3 points

Religion has been responsible for a huge amount of negativity such as the crusades, ethnic cleansing, honor rape, the witch trials ect. ect.

3 points

As long as religion has a system of power attached to aka people who gain things like influence and/or money they will blockade and get in the way scientific research and development. For example stem cell research and the insistence of intelligent design over evolution, "the church hates new ideas especially ones that challenge there power.

5 points

Absolutely in no way is religion needed for positive behavior in fact I think arguments can easily be made to the contrary, religion is a catalyst that bigotry, racism and ignorance are very easily attached to and fostered from.

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