
Spark301's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Spark301's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

I can possibly apply who knows, but what are the requirements?

1 point

Went to "", never want to go back there. Just ont thing, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU NEWLEE. I'm a man and we don't approve I don't care if newlee criticizes me.

1 point

Who cares, or you want it to be worse, huh? No infeted to this

0 points

Well he didn't fill his bio, that makes me wonder, why?.................

1 point

I can already see us in a post-apocalypse world, us scavenging for food, water, anything that helps us in the "new world" .

1 point

Anal probes, scars, forgot what happened only to remember seeing weird things in your home, yes we are experiments.

1 point

With all the technology, and mutations happening all the time, it is possible.

1 point

You see war here and there, yes, my friend, the world is a war zone.

1 point

No 911, no craziness, and no the economy going nuts because of this.....

2 points

That's so cheap, make it more better, but I still would never do it.

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