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Debate Score:22
Total Votes:22
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BookBird101(572) pic


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I would just like examples of a few good (but relatively clean.. relatively) insults. You know, to hurl at my brother.. and other humans. So, provide me with some! :)

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Have you tried a few of those "Your mother..." jokes? ;)

2 points

Here is one yo mama's so fat that when she passed by the tv we missed 3 episodes!

1 point

Also, try to find jokes on the Internet, there are many jokes.....

Then please recommend some sites, because it takes me so long to find just one good joke or funny insult on the internet.

Hehe, yeah. They're funny ^.^

Timing is crucial with this one, but pick up a rock and throw it just past someones torso and say, "Wow, what a fatass, shit! So and so's got his/her own orbit!"

... this doesn't sound as funny in text, but I promise I've got laughs out of people when I've done it.

Also, be careful where you throw the rock. This is not a joke to have when you're waking drunk through a parking lot of luxury cars.

2 points

If your a girl

Other Girl: I'm straight, unlike you!

You: Damn straight, washboard.

1 point

You look from a distance, (insert a person's name). You step close, shit on the ground.

Ok, not exactly "clean", but eh...

nummi(1424) Clarified
1 point

Wait... it was the other way around. Shit first, name second...

1 point

Brother: you're such a gay fag you cunt

punch brother


1 point

Brother: i'M TELLING MOM.

You: Tell her what? You're too weak to solve your own problems?

1 point


You: Well I inherit traits from dad, so if I got a small one, yours is smaller

1 point

You: you're mom is so ________________!

Brother: We have the same mom.....

You: you're adopted

1 point

Person: You're so weak and small bro!

You: Well then turns out you're girlfriend is has a loli complex.

(Mostly for Japanese people)

1 point

Person: You're so ugly and blah blah blah!

You: Dude, I've seen your family, you shouldn't be talking.

1 point

Person: You're gay!

You: Um... are you flirting with me? I don't swing that way.

1 point

"Awww sweet" always does the trick. Boys hate being called sweet.