
Stevedtrm's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Stevedtrm's arguments, looking across every debate.
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The next president (Obama, I think) is merely Bush policies with a more polite face. He even has an excuse to leave troops in Iraq.

-1 points

I agree with this arguer, even though he doesn't provide any evidence. It IS obviously an inside job, but many Americans want to cling to their notion that the US government actually cares for them, so you have to proovide forensic proofs. Even then some still deny it.

0 points

You are correct, but that aint a BBC video. The BBC bit ends where they get a state terror apologist to claim that if you knew how the buildings were constructed you wouldn't doubt that they fell of their own accord.

The BBC is covering this up.

Theres a BBC hit piece on WTC7 on Sun 6th where they will try and make the proof that WTC7 was brought down by explosives go away with more silly arm-waving.

-1 points

False hope is NEVER desireable. Fear of betrayal at the hands of your freinds should ALWAYS drive to you want to determine their trustworthiness conclusively, and override any and every other emtoion involved. In this case those who dont bother will accept the government story. Some cowards are so scared of government that theyll revert back to the government story out of fear of ridicule or punishment.

You should only EVER WANT to beleive the truth. No matter how bad the truth is, its the only real starting point for improvements. Anything less is futile

-1 points

So you expect me to believe that the entire congress and the entire house of representatives are against America?

No. there are a few honest people: Gravel, Kucinich, Senator Karen S. Johnson. Most have been bribed, others were bullied with Anthrax traceable back to US military installations (remember the anthrax deliveries?) and a big group are simply ignorant. Bribery is how government keeps everyone in line, not just congress.

"And there is not one person powerful enough in government other than the president who can pull off something that big!"

THis was OBVIOUSLY NOT ONE PERSON. Congress doesn't get to hear about many of the worst government operations. The US government has been running terrorism in the middle east for decades, and people DO know about it. At least a quarter of Americans think 9/11 was an inside job. And they're right. The video evidence, forensic evidence and eyewitnesses prove it. Look here: and search for presentations by Steve E Jones, David Ray Griffin and Kevin Ryan.

-1 points

George Bush is little more than a retarded chimpanzee acting as America's mascot, unable to control anything. How does that mean the government didn't do it?

0 points

It just so happens you are right that it needs even more than explosions. Controlled demolitions rely on steel cutting charges to eliminate the resistance from the structure.

"hell, no one's actually ever seen a fallen building with melted steel (intentional or not), it doesn't work like that."

Really? Perhaps you'd better explain that to the writer of patent number 20060266204

"Thermite reactions are well characterized ... The thermite reaction is an exothermic reaction that can produce temperatures of more than 4,000° F. These temperatures are well above the melting point of most metals....Applications for the invention include linear cut or curvilinear cuts in homogenous and non-homogeneous materials. Typical cutting operations include: Concrete, and reinforced concrete, in a variety of applications (cut into slabs or rubble); .... buildings—steel reinforcing (I-beams in concrete); steel bridges, steel hulls (ships for rescue applications and hostile applications); and general concrete removal."

and wikipedia:- "LSCs are commonly used in the cutting of rolled steel joists (RSJ) and other structural targets, such as in the controlled demolition of buildings."

The reason you dont think that steel cutter charges can melt steel is quite simply because the propaganda outlets you cited don't want you to be aware that they do. They don't want you to know about the witnesses or the videos either, and so NONE of them address that, choosing instead to argue against a straw man argument that collapses necessarily require melting. Do you have ANY references which address Gage's video and eyewitness evidence and Jones' proof that it was not aluminium from the planes? (even if that could explain the volumes and WTC7 molten pools.)

There are actually videos of molten steel flowing from the building just before it collapsed, and dozens of eyewitnesses listed and some videoed at

Steven E Jones has found thermite residue and iron rich microspheres in the dust from the WTC collapses. Please watch the videos and look at the papers and presentations I directed you to.

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