
Timothytj1's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Timothytj1's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Maybe it works for a factory, but will it work in a country where everybody has their own conflicting interests? And then you'll have the majority class which can through its votes boss around any of the minority groups. If I've got that wrong then please clarify the question and elaborate on the concept you're discussing.

Simply, socialism lead's to tyranny or dictatorships, because it values the group over the individual which eventually means not respecting individual rights.

I'l say capitalism is far from perfect. But always lead's to more freedom, because people have freedom and choice.

If someone is selling jeans' for example, and your at a strip mall full of jean's stores. You have choice, you can choose the store that has the best product, price or brand, or whatever factor's you choose from.

Socialism means, that people will have no incentive to work hard, or create good products or services.

This is what happened to Russia, food became scarcer, good work rare, no one cared, except for the corrupt which owned and ruled everything.

Your expecting there to exist fairness in lives, there is no such thing.

But what there is freedom of opportunity.

We each have pro's and con's in life, and capitalism means that any of us can get past them to work hard, and create a better home for their spouse and families.

Socialism just never has worked, never will work.

It is still bureaucrats who rule our lives, and they decide what happens to our industries. They have relatively immunity to the results of their unwise decisions. Typically, they interfere too much into peoples lives and businesses. The ones we have now are bad enough.

What's the problem with this system, well as follows:

It forces me to pay for the subsistence of societal parasites. I work to care for my family, not a bunch of losers. I don't want to pay for someones kid to go to the doctor. I'll take care of the medical expenses for my family. And public schools, roads, libraries, police and fire departments are not indicative of a Socialist government. I those who are too ignorant to know the difference would stop using them as an example.

And your assertion that the top economies are Socialist Democracies is pure nonsense. The only functional one in Europe of any size is Germany, which has a protectionist trade policy.

1 point

No, it was Leon Panetta.

Look up the executive powers... the president does not control what the CIA does.

The CIA field operatives found his compound, reported it to Panetta, then Panetta and his operatives thought how they were going to engage the compound. The only thing Obama did was approve to engage you stupid kid.

0 points

The Cia and Navy Seals did it.

Nuff' said, ignoramus.

By the way, debt increase more under Obama.

1 point

Yes, but it needs to kick them illegals out. They are a plague to our society and continue to ruin the culture that resides here.

1 point

Both are full of shit. But Mao killed 78 million people..

2 points

I love how people give Obama credit for Osama bin Laden being killed. First off, the Central Intelligence Agency found Osama bin Laden. Then they told the President. The President then gave them permission to engage the compound. That is all he did!

Another reason for dislike Obama is his bad handling of Pakistan and Yemen. His increase in drone attacks makes Pakistan hate the United States more and more and this is ruining the all ready-bad relations we have with the country. I can say though, the targeting and killing of high commands of Al-Qaeda and the Taliban is good, but I think there should be a less hazardous (to the civilian population) way to kill/engage them.

Now onto another reason why I prefer (barely) Bush over Obama: his gun control views. They are woefully ignorant and not factually based. Lets face it... tobacco and obesity kill more Americans each year than a damned handgun. And the bright president of ours fails to realize that 70% of homicides linking to guns are caused by gangs! Yes gangs! And what do gangs usually fight over? Drugs! So how can you blame gun control and background checks for something that isn't even related to either of those! Most of the guns used in gang shootings are illegal in the first place!

Going on, Obama's handling of immigration is so obnoxious. We have OVER 12 million illegals in this country and Obama wants to pander them like they have some right to be here. This is unfair to the legal immigrants who take the time to come here legally. Illegal immigrants refuse to speak our language and assimilate into our society. They start gangs like 18th Street gang, and go and join horrible gangs like the Latin Kings and Obama thinks we should give them a chance to stay here permanently? What a joke.

Now, going on, Obama's handling of Afghanistan. Democrats claim they are against the war yet they double the troops. What hypocrisy. I do not even have to write a whole damned essay on this one.

Now, finally, because I am tired, Obama increased the debt MORE THAN BUSH! YES, he did! Bush only increased the debt by around 4.9 trillion during his TWO TERMS, when Obama increased the debt by around 6 trillion! The debt is at around 16 trillion dollars right now.

This sums up why Obama is worse than Bush, when both are horrible. I will leave a video on why gun violence is high below.

American Violence by AmazingAtheist

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