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Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 Yes. (2)
 No. (2)

Debate Creator

geoff(738) pic

9/11, Afghanistan, Iraq - worth it for the oil.

The West must secure the reserves.


Side Score: 2


Side Score: 3

First of all Afghanistan wasn't about the oil it was/is about AL-Queda and the Taliban.

secondly, 9/11 was a direct attack on US soil even though it wasn't Iraq, we still weren't going to sit around and do nothing about it. Compared to any other war in history the amount of troops lost is the smallest.

Saddam was threatening to cut off shipments of oil to the US and that would have had a huge impact on our economy because without oil which is the fundamentals of our economy it would have tanked. So by taking out Saddam, and putting in a US friendly government that would continue to supply us with oil we basically prevented an economic meltdown.

Side: Yes.
1 point


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Side: Yes.
2 points

thousands of american causualties were and still are not worth it since it is not helping oil prices at all.

Side: No.

It is now 2015 and the war in Afghanistan is still going on. End the war now!

Side: No.