
Debate Info

Take 10,000 refugees Do NOT allow refugees in to US
Debate Score:135
Total Votes:135
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 Take 10,000 refugees (55)
 Do NOT allow refugees in to US (73)

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cfhsaphg(98) pic

APHG- Syrian Refugees

"President Obama is sticking by his promise that the U.S. will take some 10,000 refugees in 2016, and even more in 2017 despite the Paris attack." ~Washington Post

Take 10,000 refugees

Side Score: 57

Do NOT allow refugees in to US

Side Score: 78
2 points

We don't have to worry about ISIS because we have Linda to protect us.

Side: Take 10,000 refugees
2 points

Yeah! You're right! We can also wait for the great alien in the sky to take them away.

Side: Take 10,000 refugees
1 point

If only there was a country who was founded upon the idea of fleeing sectarian violence and seeking a home that would allow you religious liberty and freedom, preferably one who enshrines such concepts in a sort of document, perhaps a constitution, that protected those rights and prevented discrimination based upon religion..

Side: Take 10,000 refugees
OptimusLime(8) Disputed
1 point

Realistically lets assess the realities of our system, our social networks can only handle so much strain. Looking at how European social democracies are already being put under massive strain by the influx of Syrian refugees why don't we actually fix the root of the problem. We should be supporting Assad, he is an established power and is far better than the opposition.

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
TrumpsHair(310) Disputed
1 point

Probably because it was Assad's horrid abuse of power that led to the civil war in which the Islamic State was able to truly thrive (along with the instability in Iraq). If our actions of propping up Middle Eastern dictators has led to the current situation with Iraq, IS, Iran, etc, then why should we continue to do it?

Side: Take 10,000 refugees
1 point

If Syrian refugees come to the U.S they are thoroughly background checked so there probably wont be any problems with terrorists groups coming in, but their might be a possibility. In the past the U.S has taken may refugees and know how to deal with them and they will probably help the economy in the prospect of a bigger work force.

Side: Take 10,000 refugees
OptimusLime(8) Disputed
1 point

We don't need a bigger workforce. We already have a large enough base for low and medium skilled workers. Outsourcing has left millions of Americans without decent paying jobs and you want to bring in MORE?

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
payton_jones(4) Disputed
1 point

you have no life and you are wrong. we should not let Syrian refugees into our country if that means letting in terrorist in to destroy our lives.

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
TrumpsHair(310) Clarified
1 point

Always smart to start a debate with an attempt at a personal insult.

And if there haven't been any Syrian refugees that have infiltrated that vetting process in about 5 years, then on what basis are you making the implication that continuing to let them in will cause us to let in terrorists?

Side: Take 10,000 refugees
1 point

America should not allow Syrian refugees to come here. If we allow them to come here then, like ISIS said, they will come in to America and try to take control. If we allow refugees to come it will most likely increase terrorist attacks and violence.

Side: Take 10,000 refugees
Bsnizzle(4) Disputed
1 point

the matter is that we are abandoning thousands of refugees to die in either the ocean or in Syria, and there are already ISIS supporters and trainees in this country, so they will get in this country anyways

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
1 point

While refugees bring the fear of terrorist attacks this fear is misguided because the agencies in the UN screen all the refugees and if they pass that screening then the different agencies desperately screen the candidates that want to come in. While it takes about 20 months to finish this process it is worth it because we would let refugees who need our help in and we would not have a fear after they had been screened.

Side: Take 10,000 refugees
KylerF(5) Disputed
1 point

Screening is just checking for weapons on the body and just because they do not come over with weapons does not mean they can not buy them.

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
paigep(6) Disputed
1 point

Screening also checks there background so we can see if they have any type of connection with a terrorist group in the past.

Side: Take 10,000 refugees
Alex_Marrs(10) Disputed
1 point

The Boston bombings happened with pressure cookers and scrap metal. You do not need official weapons to terrorize.

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
rowanfling(4) Disputed
1 point

The fear may be some what misguided but even with the screening process there is still a risk of having these people move into the country and missing something about a person and still allowing them into our country.

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
meganbright(7) Disputed
1 point

Are you saying we should automatically screen 10,000 refugees? Like you said the process takes about 20 months, so we should just sit here and just hope we didn't let a member of ISIS in?

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
1 point

The patterns are not following Ravenstein's laws of migration, so we should give the refugees opportunities. President Obama says the “overwhelming numbers” of Syrian refugees referred to the U.S. by the U.N. have been women and children. That’s true — 67 percent have been children under the age of 12 and women, according to State Department data.

Side: Take 10,000 refugees
cfhsaphg(98) Disputed
1 point

Who is going to pay for all of the refugee benefits if we take in thousands?

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
Alex_Marrs(10) Disputed
1 point

If we say that women are children are safe to let in they will be used as a "Trojan horse". Terrorists are people that will go to the point of killing themselves for their religion, and I am pretty sure they won't stop just because the people they are letting in are women.

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
JackMancini(5) Disputed
1 point

This is true but women can be radicalized just as men can. In the recent San Bernadino terrorist attack a woman actually radicalized her husband.

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
meganbright(7) Disputed
1 point

I think you are underestimating their women supporters. Just because they are a different gender does not mean they do not have the means and the capability to do just as much damage.

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
1 point

Children are dying or are bystanders as they watch terrorists murder their families and missiles tear apart what used to be their homes. Thousands could be saved if they just have the medical attention that they deserve, which can be obtained in the United States. No one should have to go through this in their lifetime. No, we shouldn't let TERRORISTS into our country, but innocent people whose life depends on our actions should be helped.

Side: Take 10,000 refugees
Lilybui(4) Disputed
1 point

Of course we shouldn't let terrorists come in, but how can we distinguish who is a terrorist and who is not when they are disguising themselves as Syrian refugees?

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
payton_jones(4) Disputed
1 point

True, but if you let Syrian refugees, you are also letting in terrorists to destroy our country

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
SaraMartin(5) Disputed
1 point

We can check the refugees history before letting them into our country. It's not like we would be letting them in without background checks.

Side: Take 10,000 refugees
MMontgomery(4) Disputed
1 point

We already have terrorist cells in America, did you miss the San Bernardino issue? The refugees should come first instead of the fear that ISIS might possibly come into America.

Side: Take 10,000 refugees
JackMancini(5) Disputed
1 point

While it's true the suffering is wrong. However, America needs to keep its people safe and prioritize Americans over these outsiders. If they become Radicalized American lives can and will be lost.

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
SaraMartin(5) Disputed
1 point

Donald is that you? ANDDDDD it's not like 99% of the people coming in are trying to kill Americans. They just need somewhere to live their life and be safe.

Side: Take 10,000 refugees
1 point

Other countries have already taken in over a million refugees and the conditions are only getting worse by taking in the it would show that we are willing to help these people.

Side: Take 10,000 refugees
JakeZito(6) Disputed
1 point

We should not be willing to help them, ISIS is now in Syria and will most likely find a way to act as a refugee to get into America to cause havoc on our citizens and government.

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
Tristan_(3) Disputed
1 point

So your willing to let 10,000 Syrian people die in fear of a threat.

Side: Take 10,000 refugees
MMontgomery(4) Disputed
1 point

That means that the potential terrorist are more important the refugees that need protection?

Side: Take 10,000 refugees
Alex_Marrs(10) Disputed
1 point

There is other ways of helping people besides taking them in. You risk terrorism by letting them in, but instead we could send them supplies. We pay our farmers to not grow crops because of our surplus. If we did not pay the farmers we could use that money to help send them the supplies.

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
payton_jones(4) Disputed
1 point

We should not be helping Syrian refugees if that means risking the lives of all the other Americans in the United States

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
1 point

If the us were to take in 10,000 refugees it would have to be Orphans and Christians, because the Muslims could be ISIS and bomb the us.

Side: Take 10,000 refugees
Alex_Marrs(10) Disputed
1 point

How do you know if they are Christian or if they are not?

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
KylerF(5) Disputed
1 point

It is very difficult to see who is Christian and who is not.

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
cfhsaphg(98) Disputed
1 point

I agree with are you going to tell the Christians from the other religious affiliations?

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
MadelineO22(4) Disputed
1 point

It would be very difficult to distinguish who is Christian and who is not.

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
rachel_sm2(4) Disputed
1 point

You can't discriminate on what refugees you take in,you just cant take in Christians.

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
meganbright(7) Disputed
1 point

Lets just go Trump on this one and take out the Muslims in our own country.

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
1 point

One factor to consider, that countries, for example in Europe, are trying to refuse or are refusing to accept Syrian refugees is because they are scared that the many Syrian refugees that are coming into those country, the mass majority of Syrians with the different ethnicity and religion, will affect, possibly dominate and convert those different European countries that compromise of mainly one ethnic background. However, US is a state which is a multi-ethnic and already has people with different ethnic backgrounds and religions which makes it alright for US to accept the Syrian refugees, and also because we can offer asylum to those and protect them.

Side: Take 10,000 refugees
Alex_Marrs(10) Disputed
2 points

While this is true you cannot refuse that terrorists have said that they want to come in. It is because of this mixed western culture that they want to destroy us.

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
Kimg(6) Disputed
1 point

Well you have to look at the big perspective, Syrians want to be saved by persecution and hunger and find a place to call home. If they were saved by a country they would want to give back, not try to kill the people who helped them.

Side: Take 10,000 refugees
Tristan_(3) Disputed
1 point

In fear of our own lives we would allow people to die because of a threat by ISIS. (Walk don't run to ISIS land)

Side: Take 10,000 refugees
OptimusLime(8) Disputed
1 point

What about the fact that 10% of the entire population of France is now Arab Muslim?

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
cfhsaphg(98) Disputed
1 point

There is a difference between allowing immigrants to have the American dream and allowing refugees the millions of dollars of free services that our country provides for them. How can small children and women become independent and not dependent on government services in this case?

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
OptimusLime(8) Disputed
1 point

How about the fact that demographically the Arabs are taking over?

Side: Take 10,000 refugees
1 point

Syrian refugees are suffering persecution and death. If countries that have little to offer like Jordan, Turkey, and Lebanon than how can a country as wealthy as America turn its back on people in need?

Side: Take 10,000 refugees
JakeZito(6) Disputed
1 point

It should not be our problem to help countries on a different continent. Plus we do not need ISIS coming to America to cause more terrorist attacks.

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
OptimusLime(8) Disputed
1 point

Its called the Ba'aath party! LET ASSAD REIGN PLEASE. We should be supporting Russia and its efforts to keep the established power.

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
meganbright(7) Disputed
1 point

Yeah lets support the guy who is throwing barrel bombs on his own people.

Side: Take 10,000 refugees
rachel_sm2(4) Disputed
1 point

Instead of the U.S letting refugees in we could give money to those countries next to Syria so the refugees wouldn't have to travel very far, and that's not the U.S turning their back on the refugees.

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
1 point

If Syrian refugees come to the U.S they are thoroughly background checked so there probably wont be any problems with terrorists groups coming in, but their might be a possibility. In the past the U.S has taken may refugees and know how to deal with them and they will probably help the economy in the prospect of a bigger work force

Side: Take 10,000 refugees
Alex_Marrs(10) Disputed
1 point

How do you get crime records from a dictatorship? Dictators most likely are not going to give out records to the people they want to keep in their country.

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
JakeZito(6) Disputed
1 point

The process of getting the background checks can take up to 24 months. What are we gonna do with the refugees while we wait for the background checks for 10,000 people?

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
emmakurth(3) Disputed
1 point

It takes almost 24 month to background check a person. In that time the terrorist can do a lot.

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
1 point

Just think of how cold the winter is in America now. For the past week or so, we've had temperatures in the 50s, and it's gotten as low as the 30s. How badly do we complain and whine about how cold it is, and how we want to go home and go to sleep? Imagine if you had no bed to go to, no blankets to shield yourself from the cold with, no space heater or thermometer to change the setting? What if all you had was a shabby tent, and just one blanket to share with your entire family? Such a shame that this is a reality for the majority of the Syrians...

Side: Take 10,000 refugees
KylerF(5) Disputed
2 points

In Syria its 60 degrees at the moment so if your argument is about it being cold why do they not go back there to keep warmer.

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
tivonamcneil(4) Disputed
1 point

they cant ISIS is taking over and we have to help now now not tomorrow now

Side: Take 10,000 refugees
cfhsaphg(98) Disputed
1 point

It is hot in the Middle East. They will be fine with tents and food.

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
JakeZito(6) Disputed
1 point

They can cuddle for warmth under that one blanket and the shelter of their tent.

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
1 point

alrighty, these Syrians should be brought into this country due to this country being founded upon immigrants, and to just abandon thousands of refugees is inhumane and unjust, such an example is how 31 states are not going to allow any Syrians in.

Side: Take 10,000 refugees
1 point

There are 13.5 million people in Syria are in need of assistance. While ISIS is a concern, we have to think about the millions of people being displaced and killed in the Syrian civil war. More than 320,000 have been killed, and 12,000 have been children.

Side: Take 10,000 refugees
Lilybui(4) Disputed
1 point

Even if we put the concern for ISIS aside, our economy isn't doing so good right now. How are we going to get the money to help these people coming in?

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
1 point

I agree our economy is not in any condition to accept and support these refugees

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
1 point

I agree that they need assistance but how do we get the supplies and money to them if we are in debt with other foreign countries. According to the U.S. Treasury Department, at the end of August 2014, more than a third of the debt was owned by foreign countries and the largest foreign holders of U.S. debt were Mainland China and Japan.

Side: Take 10,000 refugees
1 point

I agree with you, plus we have only taken in a little over 1,000 refugees, and we need to do more to help.

Side: Take 10,000 refugees
1 point

I agree that the U.S should take in more Syrian refugees because many people are suffering and dying because not many countries are helping them.

Side: Take 10,000 refugees
rachel_sm2(4) Disputed
1 point

We just can't worry about the refugees we still need to worry about the U.S's safety.

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
emmakurth(3) Disputed
1 point

But if we lets not ISIS in it is not going to be different for us either.

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
1 point

Over 200,000 people have already died from the Syrian Civil War. It is never going to stop if we do not do something. The House Speaker, Paul Ryan, stated that he and his colleges are working hard to make sure that no terrorists come in with the 10,000 Syrian refugees.

Side: Take 10,000 refugees
Alex_Marrs(10) Disputed
1 point

What action is he taking to make sure terrorists are not coming in?

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
TrumpsHair(310) Disputed
1 point

The strictest vetting process this country has ever seen.

Side: Take 10,000 refugees
4 points

ّأبَتْ أنْ تـذِلَّ النفـوسُ الكرامّ

عـرينُ العروبةِ بيتٌ حَـرام

وعرشُ الشّموسِ حِمَىً لا يُضَامْ

ربوعُ الشّـآمِ بـروجُ العَـلا

تُحاكي السّـماءَ بعـالي السَّـنا

فأرضٌ زهتْ بالشّموسِ الوِضَا

سَـماءٌ لَعَمـرُكَ أو كالسَّـما

رفيـفُ الأماني وخَفـقُ الفؤادْ

عـلى عَـلَمٍ ضَمَّ شَـمْلَ البلادْ

أما فيهِ منْ كُـلِّ عـينٍ سَـوادْ

ومِـن دمِ كـلِّ شَـهيدٍ مِـدادْ؟

نفـوسٌ أبـاةٌ ومـاضٍ مجيـدْ

وروحُ الأضاحي رقيبٌ عَـتيدْ

فمِـنّا الوليـدُ و مِـنّا الرّشـيدْ

فلـمْ لا نَسُـودُ ولِمْ لا نشـيد؟

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
1 point

That's so beautiful it almost brings a tear to my eye. Heil Assad

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
1 point

Refugees bring in the opportunity for more terrorist attacks. The recent Paris attack had contributors from the ISIS group disguised as Syrian refugees.

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
1 point

It is also hard to check for the fake passports they are using to look like refugees. If we let greater amounts of Syrian refugees we cannot check for these passports.

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
GenericName(3430) Clarified
1 point

You don't think the FBI is able to authenticate passports?

Side: Take 10,000 refugees
OptimusLime(8) Disputed
1 point

You're trash. Refugees also bring in opportunity for economic growth. Racist Xenophobe.

Side: Take 10,000 refugees
Alex_Marrs(10) Disputed
1 point

We could just build a wall in between the dictator and the citizens. I mean Trump has shown us building walls is the best solution.

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
1 point

If we let Syrian refugees in we have the risk of ISIS coming into the country. We can do more by sending them supplies and not have our country risk terrorism. It would also cost less for us to send supplies to them because the distance they travel is much less if it is to surrounding areas.

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
1 point

I agree that we should just supply the people rather than potentially in letting ISIS into the country.

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
MMontgomery(4) Disputed
1 point

While ISIS is a concern with allowing refugees in, the 6.5 million displaced Syrians is a larger issue. By not allowing them we aren't helping anyone.

Side: Take 10,000 refugees
Alex_Marrs(10) Disputed
1 point

If we are allowing 10,000 people in are we really making that much of a difference? It makes more sense to just send then supplies then take a these people in and risk terrorism.

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
dropbomb87(9) Disputed
1 point

Your profile reflects your reputation, it will build itself as you create new debates, write arguments and form new relationships.

Make it even more personal by adding your own picture and updating your basics.

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
Elijah_D(4) Disputed
1 point

What if the supplies were intercepted by ISIS? Or maybe Assad? then what?

Side: Take 10,000 refugees
1 point

Syrian refugees could bring in different opportunities for middle eastern terrorist groups disguised as refugees. Isis in particular said that this is the perfect opprtunity to come into the United States and terrorize us.

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
paigep(6) Disputed
1 point

True but what about the opportunities that refugees could bring to help the United States?

Side: Take 10,000 refugees
yevamkhoyan(4) Disputed
1 point

Even though that's correct, how will US be able to identify those terrorist groups that infiltrate us, since they may be even disguised as Americans or even Americans who already have connections with those terrorist groups, it will take a long period of time to be able to identify those groups?

Side: Take 10,000 refugees
tivonamcneil(4) Disputed
1 point

but these people are dying and trying hard to get away from their own country and the us helping them would mean alot

Side: Take 10,000 refugees
1 point

True, it is the point of our President of the United States to keep the US people safe.

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
yevamkhoyan(4) Disputed
1 point

Even though that it is his top priority, shouldn't human nature allow those innocent Syrian refugees to escape those wars, since US is able to provide asylum?

Side: Take 10,000 refugees
1 point

If we let Syrian refugees come in then we are giving ISIS the chance to sneak in. They have already announced that they will sneak in with the refugees, so why risk it and let the refugees in?

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
paigep(6) Disputed
1 point

While this is true that they have threatened that they will come in this could just be a open threat that they are using to play on our fear, it is our duty as human beings to help others especially what would you want from other countries if America were in this situation.

Side: Take 10,000 refugees
MadelineO22(4) Disputed
1 point

Though ISIS is a threat, we also have millions of people in need of shelter, dying and being displaced in mass quantities.

Side: Take 10,000 refugees
1 point

ISIS ,if we allow Syrian Refugees, will come with them. The Syrian operative claimed more than 4,000 covert ISIS gunmen had been smuggled into western nations – hidden amongst innocent refugees. If they have already sent 4,000 gunman in if this is true who knows how many people they will send in with the 10,000 refugees. It is also bad because the Syrians can not speak English causing us to have to pay for them to be educated costing money. Rosetta Stone is expensive List Price: $499.00.

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
1 point

If we allow the refugees to come into the country as already present as ISIS as said they will come into the country with the Syrian refugees

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
SaraMartin(5) Disputed
1 point

Yes but we can check the refugees history before letting them into our country.We can't just turn down thousands of people who just want another chance of living their lives.

Side: Take 10,000 refugees
rowanfling(4) Disputed
1 point

Even if you check the refugees there is still a chance you miss something and then allow these people in the U.S. then you run the risk of potentially giving terrorist groups such as ISIS a way in to the country.

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
tivonamcneil(4) Disputed
1 point

but checking their history will take up to 24 months we have to do something now this can not go on any longer this needs to end now

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
1 point

True, I was reading that it is confirmed that 4,000 have already smuggled into the Eastern nations.

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
Bsnizzle(4) Disputed
1 point

either way there will be terrorist attacks to what we stand for even if we take the refugees in.

Side: Take 10,000 refugees
1 point

America should not allow Syrian refugees to come here. If we allow them to come here then, like ISIS said, they will come in to America and try to take control. If we allow refugees to come it will most likely increase terrorist attacks and violence.

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
SaraMartin(5) Disputed
1 point

This could be true but with background checks on each of the refugees, the safety of the U.S. would be the same. Also the majority of refugees are ACTUALLY refugees that need help.

Side: Take 10,000 refugees
1 point

I do not believe that it is safe for us to let these refugees in. The situation is heart breaking but we as a nation have to take precautions. You have ISIS operatives broadcasting that they have more than 4,000 covert ISIS gunmen smuggled into western countries with these refugees. ISIS has bombed Paris that has killed around 130 people, they had two suicide bombers detonating themselves in a marketplace in southern Beirut, Lebanon, killing 43 people, and numerous other attacks. You can not stop a group that is willing to die for their cause, and until they are stopped we can not take any risks.

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
Kimg(6) Disputed
1 point

The U.S does through background checks so their is a big possibility that no terrorist group will try to come into the U.S.

Side: Take 10,000 refugees
meganbright(7) Disputed
1 point

Yes a screening that takes up to 24 months. I feel safer already.

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
yevamkhoyan(4) Disputed
1 point

If US can identify at least some refugees and bring them in, shouldn't they, because it is not like US can not defend itself if ISIS is truly imposing a threat, considering the military and technology advancements, since US has come a long way from histories of terrorist attacks.

Side: Take 10,000 refugees
1 point

Unlike the principles America was founded on, Islam's Sharia law does not agree with America's traditional values of separation of church and state. If we let in a large number of Muslim refugees this may cause a problem in the future.

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
paigep(6) Disputed
1 point

Well we already have Muslims in the country the population of Muslims can still grow even without the refugees, and what about the First Amendment people who come here have the freedom of religion it does not matter where they come from. If these Muslims were not from Syria where there are a lot of terrorist there would not be a big dispute about there religion.

Side: Take 10,000 refugees
Elijah_D(4) Disputed
1 point

If we let in a lot of radical Muslims, maybe. Considering that there are a lot of Muslims already in America, and that Sharia law already hasn't proven to be a religious issue between them and others...

Side: Take 10,000 refugees
1 point

If we let Syrian refugees into the U.S we are prone to a terrorist attack in the U.S. They have already confirmed that more than 4,000 convert ISIS gun men have gone across the European Union. Think how many ISIS members would come across the U.S border if we are already getting threats about it.

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
1 point

I agree with you, especially after the attacks in Paris and how it's traced back to ISIS.

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
1 point

After the terrorist attack in Paris we should be scared of what is going to happen to the United States. Terrorist can come with the Syrians.

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
MadelineO22(4) Disputed
1 point

Though terrorist attacks are a possibility, we have to think of the people who are in need of help and are just trying to survive.

Side: Take 10,000 refugees
paigep(6) Disputed
1 point

But, what about the refugees who are innocent and actually need our help? Are we just supposed to leave them out because we are afraid? They need help and it is our job to help them.

Side: Take 10,000 refugees
Bsnizzle(4) Disputed
1 point

the attacks in Paris was small in comparison to the absolutely large amount of refugees we're just leaving to drown or be bombed, and ISIS supporters and trainees are in the country anyways.

Side: Take 10,000 refugees
cassidyduff(3) Disputed
1 point

America is very aware of the danger that this can bring, but so many more lives could be saved if we let the refugees in.

Side: Take 10,000 refugees
1 point

If we let Syrian refugees come in ISIS will sneak in with them disguised as refugees. The Syrian operative claimed more than 4,000 covert ISIS gunmen had been smuggled into western nations – hidden among innocent refugees.

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
1 point

This is it. Assad is the true power in the region. Vive Assad!

Supporting Evidence: Long Live Assad (
Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US
1 point

Your profile reflects your reputation, it will build itself as you create new debates, write arguments and form new relationships.

Make it even more personal by adding your own picture and updating your basics.

Side: Do NOT allow refugees in to US