
Debate Info

Anywhere Only in my Bible
Debate Score:15
Total Votes:16
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 Anywhere (5)
 Only in my Bible (3)

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spiritualman(289) pic

A question for believers......................

Now I already know the answer because I prayed to god and he told me....but

When God decides that scripture will be involved in the changing of a heart, must this scripture be biblical scripture, or can the scripture be anywhere such as what is typed in letters between friends?


Side Score: 11

Only in my Bible

Side Score: 4

Worthless question. If God is alive, what makes you think that he will stop giving his messages?

Side: Anywhere

Hey, go easy on yourself that's not a worthless question.

I know from my experience that I thought god would stop giving me his message because I refused to acknowledge him openly in my life like he asked me to. I begged and begged for him to come back and interrupt me againn like he did the first time but he left me to sit in my sorry situation until the lesson sunk in. I only pray that I don't fail so miserably with this chance.

So in short. Feeling unworthy makes me think that.

Side: Anywhere
Sitara(11075) Disputed
2 points

It is not a worthless question. True thinking people question things and look for wisdom.

Side: Only in my Bible

There are all sorts of possibilities. The Bible is not the only source.

Side: Anywhere
1 point

The Word of God is what the Holy Spirit puts in your heart.

Side: Only in my Bible

Since the LORD said your statement is correct, I had to rephrase the debate question. :) Would you agree that your argument should be on the other side now?

Side: Anywhere

The letters between friends are probably very helpful. The letters between apostles and the churches (where most church doctorine and witnessing comes from) were not scriptures at the time they were written. However they are scriptures now and where conversation ideas come from, and the letters were influenced by Jesus's life and what he talked about and can be quite literally be considerd the Word of God.

Side: Only in my Bible

State your position regarding whether or not the following statement is true:

"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,"

Side: Anywhere
trumpet_guy(503) Clarified
1 point

I believe all scripture is God breathed and should be used. However I also believe the concepts of it can be discussed in a non-relgious way that can slowly warm up to religious conversation which can then be used to change a heart. Example: most non-religious people or agnostics do not believe sin can effect you physically. However, most people do realize most people have some sense of broke ness in their lives. This can be discussed on non-religious terms, then discussed in a religious light, then can be used to change a heart. The entire time not using direct verses, but concepts found in scripture and properly understood by the person initiating the spiritual conversation. Make sense?

Side: Anywhere