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RSS Spiritualman

Reward Points:289
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In your wordy essay here you repeatedly call attention to "reading comprehension", so I assume that you think your writing style is adequate for someone with basic reading comprehension to readily understand. Though it clearly isn't, I will take the time to edit it it in hopes of deciphering your position. So without further ado..

Why is atheism authoritative in academic denial of God, when multidiscipline studies show atheism underdeveloped, bias, and academically unreliable?

Your opening sentence, if written in anything resembling a clear style would read something like this...

"Why is it that within academia, atheism is almost universally accepted by default, despite multiple studies in diverse fields clearly showing it underdeveloped, biased and unreliable."

Assuming I translated this correctly, the statement is obviously self refuting. If it were true that multidisciplinary studies had revealed atheism as having the faults you describe, that would clearly prove that the subject was one of serious contention within academia, and that it isn't accepted without question.

Second sentence..

Atheist use "Magic Cheese" has no logical equal merit of argument to any of the points I made.

My dear, I hate to be so harsh, but this sentence is so bad that I can't even translate it into clear English. Literally no one will understand it, and no qualified teacher would let you pass English 101 if you turned in work anywhere near as bad. Never mind that you haven't made any points so far in your argument.

Then you go on with...

It's an empty illogical argument because it's an unequal comparison.

None of us know anything about this comparison yet from what you have written, and even if we did, the phrase "unequal comparison" should be "inappropriate comparison"

Next you type..

They compare pop rocks to a nutritious protein and vitamin rich complete meal.

More incoherent rambling about something readers of your post are still in the dark about. What are they comparing?

This is a perfect example of the illogical atheist. They tend to compare unicorns and spaghetti to the intricacy of brain surgery.

You think atheists make silly, inappropriate comparisons but you only mock these supposed comparisons you never tell us what they are comparing so inappropriately.

Multidimensional evidence, also should be weighted, catergarized, and placed on a scale within the reasonable and logical mind for a “Beyond Reasonable Doubt” conclusions.

You are trying too hard to sound smart. Don't do that it makes you look stupid.

Atheist have mistrial testimony, with the exclusively limited evidence.

You must have just read "The Case for Christ" and you are plagiarizing Mr. Stroebel POORLY

Incomplete, and also not in equal measure to all the other evidence stacked up from the many other factual fields of study, such as basic reading application in context and basic logical ability of contextual inferences and connections, and defining in context and simple text dissection for even the most basic even natural interpretations.

How dare academics use the scientific method when they could just ask god through prayer to give more revelations. I feel ya babe :)

Studies of archaeology, and history, and even math - as in probability of historic accounts occuring in sequence of order of events, their outcomes, and the probability of the fulfillments of all the many prophesies that have been fulfilled. And not only by random natural selection as in evolution, but a purposeful design, with a directive of intent, then when stacked up one on another its more advanced and more complicated then the intellectual arguments soley based on evolution.

Do you know why we don't just pray to god so he can satisfy our curiosity through divine revelation?

The biblical text is a complete work by one author, and in layers of times, generations, and events, to fulfill one prophesy leading to another as if building a sky scraper, and foretold and in pre-written detail of event and order of sequences leading to events, there is an immeasurable depth of fulfilment against all odds and probability.

If you got cancer and you could only consult one academic, would you rather visit an oncologist or a theologian?

More complicated than building a human from mutations, since there are more complicated moving parts to move kings president and nations than growing mutations of viruses and bacteria in a petri dish.

You really sound like you know what you are talking about here! Just kidding :)

But the intellectual atheist is so foolishly ignorant that they call pop rocks a complete understanding equal to a masters degree in nutrition!

The illogical atheists ignores it, because the challenges are logical, and they are not. And the illogical stumped atheist will pull out an item unanswered, by doing so claim it is logic to weigh a piece of sand as heavier than a large bag of cement. So I'd say they are the least logical of all thoughts regarding any use of logical, reasoning, indirect, aptitude, or any education resources.

If only we could get you in there with your bible, to preach some sense into these dimwits, we would probably enter a new golden age.

Argument comes down to the atheist spitting and stomping empty arguments of illogical points, similar to children saying “but everyone else does it.” That is not usually a good argument to reason a decission for also doing an activity, except in the childs own unreasonable, underdeveloped, imature minds of children, and that are just like them, children peers.

If god didn't want it that way he would intervene right?

On page 1 of the biblical text, when using basic reading skills and logical inferences, the biblical faitj accont of creation does not necessarily contradict evolution theory. Then in addition to, and when connected while using basic brain functions of even a 5th grader, when combined with all other evidence of considerable measure, studies carry weight in stacked up immeasurable support that is conclusive more of God than “no God.”

You write and think at below 5th grade level.

Example of basic reading comprehension and logical inference made in the biblical account found in Genesis 1

Biblical account has growth of plants without photosynthesis on Day 3, but an ancient writer who lived by the natural understanding of the sun and seasons governing planting and harvesting food for everyday life, would not with a little common sense application have put this order of sequence. So the illogical atheist ignors reasoning and logic at the cost of true intelligence and intellect, and rathet argues like the nonsense of foolis children, who's arguments are more important than reasoning!

You have made an airtight case here. We are all convinced that you have no idea what you are talking about.

By disability of basic common sense the negate advance of intellect, by a handicap unable to apply reasoning skills as found even in the most basic of reading comprehension and logical inferences!

If only they were as bright as you.

And that's fine, but then it's not educational, intellectual, or factual, and it's without authority of Confirmation, or even Determination. It's nothing more than a mythological belief in Scorpio the god of Neptune!

So let's not call atheism logical because that's just factually ridiculous!!

You just blew my mind. You should write a book.

I asked the loving almighty, and his answer was surprising!

God: Behold, I sayeth unto the faithful, I have appointed those who have obeyed my commandment to have no gods before me to administer mine holy churches on earth.

In the fullness of time there will appear among the waters a multitude of atheist churches. They will be one in spirit, and purify themselves before me, as I help them in secret. I have written my law on their innermost parts and I will not fail in quickly lifting the veil from their eyes. After this time, all will know that I do not write on the dead, and the idolators will weep and gnash their teeth.

thus saith the word of god

spiritualman(289) Clarified
1 point

Ah someone else who prays! Do you ever write down anything THE HOLY LORD tells you?

I just prayed to god and he said he was going to make you a special kind of prophet! He wants to use you to teach others to pray right here on createdebate!

He said in his scary voice that if you keep refusing to deliver his messages, that he was going to leave you to yourself for even longer this time.

I wish I knew that before I cutteh my tongue and cast it into the fire. Now I can only type or write because my sign language teacher was Arminian and found out I was as calvinist as you are.

That was a very elegant way you explained that. Spoken like a true disciple of Yeshua. Let us pray together in Jesus Name brother!

You seem like a very wise old man. God Bless you and may the precious blood of jesus sanctify you eternally and may you learn the truth of rebirth in the gospel of our lord and savoir who is also the son of man and a third of the godhead most high elohim or Yaweh

lolzors can confirmeth

I like the idea of that. It takes the pressure off big time. Like there's always another chance for everbody so death isn't this horrible thing to be avoided, but just a transition from one life to the next. Not half the stink about murders would be needed. How did you learn about reincarnation? from someone practicing the dark arts?

I can't imagine life would be worth living if what you and that harlot I picked for a wife says is true. If the most high is just a figment of my imagination, then everyone else's gods probably are too and life is just about what you can get away with while your alive. I might as well do all those supposedly "wrong" or "sinful" things that I've been struggling to fight the temptation to do, perhaps I should give in to my carnal desires. And embrace my lust for lording over people.

That's the kind of thing my wife was saying in the fight we had right before she became unfaithful and filed for divorce. The lord works in mysterious ways bitch, that's all I can say.

I cutteth off my tongue because it made me appear wretched in the eyes of Jesus. I was constantly treading the thin line between the sin of pride and blaspheming the holy spirit of god. God told me that if I did not cut off my tongue that I would commit a sin that he wouldn't forgive me for. A small price to pay for eternal life as I see it.

About Me

"THE LORD sanctifies!"

Biographical Information
Gender: Male
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Independent
Country: United States
Religion: Christian-other

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