
Debate Info

Y. N.
Debate Score:41
Total Votes:45
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 Y. (14)
 N. (13)

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h644444(5) pic

A wizard has turned you into a whale. Is this awesome (Y/N)?

A wizard has turned you into a whale.


Side Score: 23


Side Score: 18
4 points

No more responsibility, especially for humanity. No more work, all I've got to do is kill (maybe) and eat, maybe have sex... I could fuck around @ the bottom of the sea and fight giant squid... in fact I could carry giant squid from the bottom of the ocean to laboratories so that people could study them. I could hang out in the middle of fucking nowhere, and just float there. I could hang out with dolphins... bless the wizard, being a whale would be awesome.

Now for a new question. Is being a whale great or greatest?

Side: Y.
1 point

Greaterest. Imagine if you could have whale sex. You would expend 400 gallons of procreational power into the object of your lust.

In comparison, a human ejaculates about 5mm. A whale's would be 400 gal, or 1 514 litres, or 1 514 000mm. Thats THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND TIMES the raw male power.

Think on this for a bit.

Side: Y.

It just depends where I'm at. If the wizard turns me into a whale while I'm on land , I'm screwed! Now if I'm hanging out ocean side and this happens, I'm totally down. Plus, being the largest mammal on earth would be pretty cool. Another plus is being able to discover more about the most undiscovered places on earth- the ocean.

Side: Y.

This is kind of a stupid debate, hahaha, but I would say yes, but only if it's a humpback. They're beautiful and intelligent and better singers than I am!

Side: Y.
1 point

That would be supercool. If the wizard could turn me into whale that would be a great experience. I am always fascinated with the beach, the ocean and with these lovely creatures dolphins and whales so that's going to be lovely. All to do is to be awesome and have fun all day. And being the most intelligent specie on the ocean maybe I could also take a time to hunt --buried treasures at the bottom of the ocean. I think it is all discovered now so what's left for me is just few beautiful corals, sunken shoes and oil spill. Yaay!

Side: Y.
1 point

but what if... IT WAS A KILLER WHALE!??

you're life would be krill, water, AND KILLING

Side: Y.
1 point

I think we're all missing the point here. It's not about how awesome it may or may not be to be a whale. The awesomeness here clearly resides in the CONTACT WITH A WIZARD. Wizards are, with the exception of Harry Potter and related shenanigans, completely awesome, and I'd gladly become a whale if it meant dealing with a wizard. Such robes! Such staffs! Such epic win!

Go wizards.

Side: Y.
1 point

Well, the act of being turned into a whale would definitely be awesome. One big YES to that query! Whether or not I think it's a good or bad thing is questionable. Please excuse my wild speculation but if I think a wizard would have a good reason to turn me into a whale. Why would he waste his powers? I would also trust him completely whether he's a good wizard or bad wizard because if he's a good wizard I'm sure he gets pretty cheesed with people always wondering if he's really a bad wizard pretending to be a good wizard. And if he's a bad wizard, you have no choice either way, you can only hope to win whatever mercy his dark heart might possess via your perceived naivete and trustiness (whether or not that is an actual word).

Side: Y.
1 point

My knee wouldn't hurt any more. Because I wouldn't have a knee.

Side: Y.
1 point

It's not about whether you like it: It's about how awesome the wizard is. The answer is: EXTREMELY AWESOME INDEED!

Side: Y.
1 point

yay then you can spit water out of your back and eat krill and weigh alot

Side: Y.
3 points

Lol I would say no since I would lose all of my friends and my life that I have. My dreams would be gone and all that would replace them would be krill and water.

Side: N.
Bradf0rd(1431) Disputed
1 point

Who's to say your friends as a whale wouldn't be as or more meaningful to you? Fast food and land doesn't create your dreams, does it? I don't think so, instead your fast food and land would be replaced with krill and water, your dreams will probably remain intact, but they would only be as deep as you can think anyway, which is still true for humans. If you dream about more krill, it'll still mean as much to you as your dreams now as a human.

Side: Y.
DaWolfman(3324) Disputed
1 point

It says nothing about my friends being whales now does it? So the only things that make dreams are fast food and land, last time I checked McDonald's going out of business was not going to affect me in the least. Other than we stand on land what does that have to do with anything? If I wanted to be a professional tennis player how could I do so if I

1.) couldn't walk on land

2.) didn't have hands

3.) Cannot eat fast food? No that cannot be correct

Side: N.

No, I want to be a shark. Something fierce. Not fodder for whaling ships.

Side: N.
Bradf0rd(1431) Disputed
3 points

That's because you're the whale of humanity... No one ever wants to be what they already are, because you know what's involved with being you, a lot of bullshit. From a shark's perspective, a whale has it easy, I would love to be a whale. Being a shark is bullshit.

Side: Y.
1 point

But Joe D:! Then you have to watch out for SHARKING SHIPS! They're almost just as bad!

Side: N.
2 points

If I wanted to weight several tons and get hunted by rednecks on a boat I'd bing on McDonalds and move to lake-front property in West Virginia.

Side: N.
1 point

They look like they're cold. I hate the cold...

Plus they don't have hands, how do they play video games?

Side: N.

The same way they play the flute, cello and piano! You expected 50?

Side: N.
Bradf0rd(1431) Disputed
1 point

"They look like they're cold. I hate the cold..."

You're not a whale though, are you? Whales have blubber that keep them warm and there are plenty of seas to choose from, not just the arctic.

"Plus they don't have hands, how do they play video games?"

I'm sure if there were a video game about being a whale you'd be all over that wouldn't you? Whales have real jobs, mainly survival and procreation. Whales don't have enough time to sit around and play games, and be picky about the temperature.

Side: Y.
1 point

no i wouldnt i would be hunted by japs i would mill createdebate and vidio games

Side: N.
1 point

Swimming is fun but it would get boring eventually and then what would I as a whale have to do besides swim? The best part of being human is having many things to distract me from being bored as a whale the only thing that would break the monotony of swimming all the time is Japanese whaling ships and that doesn't sound fun at all.

Side: N.
1 point

I most definitely would not want to be a whale.I'd ask to be turned into a cheetah, or a horse, or an eagle.. but there is NOTHING fun about a whale.

Side: N.
1 point

Odds of me finding a wizard out in the ocean are pretty slim. It doesn't say he will transport you to the Ocean, so I am going with "Is being a beached whale cool?" as a definite "N."

Side: N.

I've just been turned into a cow. Can I go home now? ;)

Side: N.

I hope it is only for a day because I am not going to be happy if this transformation is permanent.

Side: N.