
Debate Info

Adolf Hitler Darth Vader
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 Adolf Hitler (2)
 Darth Vader (4)

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EdudModnar(209) pic

Adolf Hitler VS Darth Vader

Adolf Hitler

Side Score: 2

Darth Vader

Side Score: 4
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1 point

In the video Darth Vader as good as kills Adolf Hitler.

Side: Darth Vader

Vadar of course! He's American! America always wins!

Side: Darth Vader
EdudModnar(209) Disputed
1 point

No, they don't.

Side: Adolf Hitler
1 point

Darth Vader at least has some redeeming qualities such as a residual love for his son Luke. Hitler was a loud, obnoxious, totally insane psycho mass-killer who just need to shut up!

Side: Darth Vader
EdudModnar(209) Disputed
1 point

He didn't have that much love for his son Luke or I don't think he would have chopped his hand off, tried to make him evil against his will, or bury his friend in the same stuff Hitler was subject to in the video.

Side: Adolf Hitler

Darth Vader would conquer Hitler because Darth has super powers and he can also use a laser sword on Hitler.

Side: Darth Vader