
Debate Info

he deleted it himself paranormal phenomena
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:4
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 he deleted it himself (1)
 paranormal phenomena (1)

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Spinach(50) pic

After I posted Nom's/Ramshutu's pic, it mysteriously got deleted from photobucket

he deleted it himself

Side Score: 2

paranormal phenomena

Side Score: 1
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1 point

Let's look at the facts.

1) I've told you dozens of times I don't own the Ramshutu account.

2) You self-deleted your own debate to try to convince other people I had reported you, and then you reopened it later.

Given the above, it is infinitely more likely that you own the photobucket page this image was (according to you) deleted from.

Another possibility is that the real Ramshutu either still posts here or still monitors the site.

Either way, your desperate obsession with finding my identity is just amusing to me. It illustrates that you have absolutely nothing in your life outside of hate and loathing.

Side: paranormal phenomena
SunTzuv2(52) Disputed
2 points

We know who you are. Stop trying to fuck with us and play superior. Respect our anonymity and we will treat you with the same respect.

Start treating us like pieces of dirt and we will do the same to you.

Side: he deleted it himself