
Debate Info

Yes No, its just us.
Debate Score:16
Total Votes:18
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 Yes (6)
 No, its just us. (6)

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Oiden(395) pic

Alternate Realties, do they exist?

The Theory of Alternate Realties is this;

That we are not the only path that time can take. Each choice that can happen will happen in a alternate world, each one different from the other in some way.

You put a cat in a cage and set two plates of food, one is good the other is poisioned. Your cat dies but in another reality the cat lives.


Side Score: 8

No, its just us.

Side Score: 8
1 point

Your all wrong about no evidence. Sometimes Types of subatomic particles do impossible things like RANDOMLY POP IN AND OUT OF EXISTENCE! This is proven. A theory on how this works is they go through different realities and pass through the different "worlds". Thats how the theory was made. These particles have to go somewhere and they have to go somewhere that our particles also exist and therefore it would make sense that they go into a world almost exactly the same as ours.

Side: Yes
1 point

We can think of them and they make good stories. Even though there is no evidence and most probably never will be, they do not exist. It is just us.

Side: No, its just us.
TheThinker(1688) Disputed
1 point

You gave no reason to why they don't exist. Why is it most probable that we will never have evidence? If we do have no evidence and if probability is against us of finding evidence, that doesn't mean alternate realities don't exist. For example, i have no evidence that you exist. You could be a fictional character created by the real author. However, you know you exist (im assuming you exist to move forward with this argument). Thusly, this is my reason why im downvoting you.

Side: Yes
nummi(1424) Disputed
2 points

You gave no reason to why they don't exist.

Because there is no evidence whether they exist or not. But it is more reasonable to presume they do not. Every different turn of the smallest amount of energy would cause a different universe. You do know how many versions of our universes that would mean? Far too many to be real if you ask me.

Why is it most probable that we will never have evidence?

And how would you go about finding the evidence? For that you should, literally, be able to break through our universe, one way or another. Sounds like science fiction, as at this point it is. Something that might be possible but there is no evidence, no proof.

We are capable of coming up with scenarios that do not have any evidence and, again, most probably never will. In this case it would be wise and smart to recognize the false ones and and claim them unreal, until further notice... still.

If we do have no evidence and if probability is against us of finding evidence, that doesn't mean alternate realities don't exist.

Assuming that all of existence, not just our universe, is infinite. There is a possibility that somewhere out there could be every "alternate" version of everything that is over here. But that just sounds not true.

The universe began with a "bang". All the energies and particles and whatnot that came from there, their course could be tracked and projected, theoretically, till the "end". If there is no external influence to their path they will always go the same way. It could, theoretically, be possible to look into the future and change the course of events, but then that is still the path of particles, energies, etc. and would be part of the projection from the beginning. Only an influence that came from outside our universe could actually "change" the course. But that would not create another universe. The current one would be changed and that change would be permanent.

For example, i have no evidence that you exist. You could be a fictional character created by the real author.

You talking to me is evidence of my existence.

And a downvote to you too.

Side: No, its just us.
1 point

Like Nummi said, they do make great stories.

We have no idea that they could exist but chances are that they don't.

We have no evidence that they do, its just a vauge theory.

Side: No, its just us.