
Debate Info

Hot Luke warm
Debate Score:35
Total Votes:36
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 Hot (12)
 Luke warm (12)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40130) pic

Am I hot or not



Side Score: 19

Luke warm

Side Score: 16
3 points

A stone cold fox!

Side: Hot

I just realized that this is the wrong site for this sort of thing. Damn auto-correct ;)

Side: Hot

It's the eyes that do it for me. *

Side: Hot

Almost like a tanned version of Chevy Chase ;)

Side: Hot

Hit the nail on the head there supreme. Truly lol XD o.o extra characters so it will let me post.

Side: Hot

Well...., I guess that's better than Balky...., but not by much ;)

Side: Hot
1 point

Hot. ;)

What ethnicity are you? I see this picture, and wonder...

Side: Hot
1 point

If I had to guess, I would have to say something of Mediterranean European origin, perhaps Italian. Am I close Joe?

Side: Hot
1 point

Hm, I was also thinking Filipino or Puerto Rican. :)

Side: Hot

Check my response to saurbaby ;)

Side: Hot
4 points

I looked up "male human being" and it looked like your mug shot.

You need a mohawk, maybe a facial tatoo, grow a beard, something so you don't look like every sketch artist rendition of the dude a blind man saw take his wallet.

That said I look like someone just puched me in the face 24/7. Luckily beauty's only skin deep... or whatever ugly people are always carrying on about.

Side: Luke warm

Like you stand a chance, you've seen my picture. Where is that auto-correct when you need it?

Side: Luke warm

I just got a hair cut and realized that I clean up well ;)

Side: Luke warm

A hair cut? That's all it takes. This I might be able to do, but a bath never.

Side: Luke warm
1 point

I don't like him who ever he is but he is totally neither sorry guy or Google images but u are ugly i bet you have nice manners though not to judge but i dont know you so it was easy but hard to chose my answer

Side: IWW hes neither not to be rude
1 point

I'd have to see a profile view to judge accurately, but the weak chin, sparse eyebrows and mouth curvature do you in. Also, a little too much glimmer in the eyes for my liking.

Side: Luke warm

I know, right? I have no idea what's up with my eye brows. Oh well ;)

Side: Luke warm
1 point

I would have put my support to the other side, but the white door was just too bad.

Who has a painted white door?

Doors should be made of wood, preferably oak, they should not be painted.

Side: Luke warm
1 point

not to b mean but hes not hot and hes not ugly. hes ok probably about a 5.9>

Side: Luke warm
1 point

Am I hot or not




Side: Luke warm
1 point

This is an opinionated question. My opinion is you're OK.

Side: Luke warm