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Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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brycer2012(1002) pic

American Homes

Are american homes too big? Do we put to much into homes (i.e, rooms, money, time)


Side Score: 2


Side Score: 2

Totally. I live in this nation, and when they mean bigger is better, they really mean it. Some people likes to buy mansions just because there filfthy rich! This nation is so fudged up.

Side: yes

Some people have to keep up with the Jones' and are not satisfied with the home they have.

Side: Yes

I've lived in small houses and I've lived in big houses and I can honestly say that big houses are better. ;)

Side: No

Well, in the bigger picture, homes in the United States per square foot are probably bigger than anywhere around the world. It just shows how spoiled our nation has become. Is that bad?

No, people should spend their money freely as they wish.

Side: No