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 Animal Testing (4)

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CazzyG101(13) pic

Animal Testing

I dont know whether i'm against Animal Testing, on one hand it can help discover amazing things, like cures for illness, but on the other hand its cruel and can also be for stupid reason like inventing new perfumes. I need your help because this is for my homework and i need to decide what position i have .

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1 point

Animals like rats and mice are expendable. Whether they go through pain or not doesn't concern me. But I do agree that animal testing for things like make-up are pointless and a waste of resources and money. Make-up is not a neccessity for life.

I don't see the point of animal testing. I mean, it's not like they are ever going to pass. They aren't even allowed in school, how can you expect them to pass any test? Not only that but they can't even hold a pencil! ;)

1 point

Experiments on animals can be a good thing -- discover cures, vaccines, etc. However, if it is for unnecessary reasons or causes great pain to the animals, it should not be done. If it benefits all -- animals and people--, all the better. Animals should be treated in the most humane way, as if they are human beings who are going for operations. They are numbed or unconscious, etc.

Animals and people should not have different rights. Just because we are overpopulating the world doesn't make us king.

Animal testing is cruel and it should be stopped. Those animals are suffering pain.