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Debate Score:36
Total Votes:40
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Thewayitis(4071) pic

Are Americans Intelligent?

Based upon your observations of Americans, state your conclusion.


Side Score: 16


Side Score: 20
1 point

Well, I've always liked the phrase "If it doesn't make cents it doesn't make dollars". Since America has so much money, we must make at least some sense. Anyways, as long as we have our handy purchased goods, like iphones and computers, we can have access to any knowledge we want (even carnal) thus keeping our Capitalist economy thriving, kinda.

If you ask an American who is the Chairman of China, they will just google it on their phone. If you ask any other person that, they might know or they might not.

Side: yes
Thewayitis(4071) Disputed
1 point

This is a good philosophy? This kind of thinking is what got the USA into a recession. Are you proud of greed, lack of compassion, and thievery? Sound like a country of vast intelligence to me. (sarcasm)

"He that is of the opinion money will do everything, may well be suspected of doing everything for money." Ben Franklin

Side: No

Intelligent Americans are only reserved in those who create debate on CD.

Side: yes
Thewayitis(4071) Disputed
1 point

Sorry, but I haven't noticed any intelligent person here. Do you think an intelligent person would waste their time here?

Side: No
DaWolfman(3324) Disputed
1 point

Well what is your level of consideration in the area of "intelligent"?

If you are considering Americans stupid because some don't understand the basic concept of bathroom ethics don't get stereotypical on me. Because if bathroom ethics is your idea of someone hosting intelligence then I must be a genius. An American genius at that.

Side: yes

I've found two people on here at least moderately intelligent: Lawnman and Ama_Deviant.

Other than that, most of the people on here aren't worthy of the title 'intelligent life'.

Side: No

I don't know if we just lucked out, but since we are the richest and strongest country in the world, I consider us intelligent.

Side: yes
0 points

If we aren't intelligent then what does that make everyone else? ;)

Side: yes
1 point

If we aren't intelligent everyone else couldn't count to 7, even with their fingers.

Side: yes

There are A LOT of stupid people in America but we're still on top so.... ;)

Side: yes
1 point

Who is called upon by more nations whenever their intelligent people can't seem to save their people? Rhetorical question USA

Side: yes

I would say a considerable amount are intelligent but every circus has its animals.

Side: Yes
0 points

Well I know a good many intelligent Americans, therefore based on personal experience; yes Americans are intelligent.

Side: yes
3 points

After using a few public restrooms, I can conclude that it eludes the vast majority of the population as to the operation of a toilet and trash can. Such simple devices and yet no one can master the use of them. Flush and put paper towels in trash can, even my dog has learned these basic things.

Intelligence among Americans, I haven't seen it.

Side: No

If you've ever seen Trainspotting you'd know that the Scottish aren't any better.

Side: No
DaWolfman(3324) Disputed
1 point

Well you my friend aren't good at making conclusions.

Lets say that fifty people used that public restroom you used. If the vast majority ( 35+ people ) didn't understand the basic concept of throwing paper towels in trash cans you would be wading through dirty paper towels, something I am sure you weren't doing.

Seeing a few random articles of trash on the ground means a few people put them there not 90% of the bathroom users.

Intelligence among Americans, I haven't seen it.

Tell me, what is it like?

Being blind that is.

Side: yes
Thewayitis(4071) Disputed
1 point

Intelligence is far from being dimly lit. Just because most are burnt out light bulbs, one is not a genius by being a 25 watt bulb. Find me a 75 watt bulb among you and I would consider them semi-intelligent.

Side: No
3 points

Guys... no. Everyone is waay smarter then Americans. I live on Canada, and I think our ED system is better. I am sorry.

Side: No
DaWolfman(3324) Disputed
1 point

Don't you hate it when the dumbest people in the world are the biggest super power? Oh wait thats right, how can we be the dumbest people in the world while being numero uno?

Side: yes
paulmy(17) Disputed
1 point

u.s. is the only super power sure but you do with muscle not with brains..the same way a jock would win a fist fight against a nerd.If Americans were intelligent they would have the lowest crime along with the lowest hunger and debt....btw what country has the highest global debt right now?

Side: No
brycer2012(1002) Disputed
1 point

I must be great living on Canada. If we only had 33.5 million people, compared to the 307 million that we do have, I'm sure that I could brag about how well my schools do.

Side: yes
paulmy(17) Disputed
1 point

You have more then enough land to build the proper amount of schools for your pop. haha

Side: No
MegaDittos(571) Disputed
1 point

Is there no grammar in Canada?.....................................

Side: yes
2 points

Better questions:

Are humans intelligent?

Is there any intelligent life on earth?

Side: No
1 point

I'm sorry but you cannot judge whether americans are intelligent or not. Almost 99% of americans have ancestry line that has come from a different country.

Americans are made up of all the other countries that we are supposedly competing with in intelligence.

Plus alot of our techonolgy comes from different contries as well.

On being the worlds super power. We didn't become number one because of our intelligence. We became number one because of our morals. We became number one because We wanted freedom. This is why we are in power. Not because we are smarter than other nations.

Side: No
Thewayitis(4071) Disputed
1 point

I can't believe one said morals as an argument, do you know anything about the people elected. Congressman and Senators haven't had morals for years. Mistresses, mistresses disappearing, accepting bribes, just a few on the list of those morals that made the USA great.

Side: No