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Sure! Let 'em in! Sick freals!
Debate Score:19
Total Votes:19
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 Sure! Let 'em in! (10)
 Sick freals! (6)

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Hellno(17724) pic

Are Asexuals Allowed Into the Kingdom of Heaven?

Sure! Let 'em in!

Side Score: 11

Sick freals!

Side Score: 8
1 point

What do you mean by asexuals?

1 Corinthians 7:8-9

To the unmarried and the widows I say that it is good for them to remain single as I am. But if they cannot exercise self-control, they should marry. For it is better to marry than to burn with passion.

Side: Sure! Let 'em in!
Hellno(17724) Clarified
1 point

Asexuality is the lack of sexual attraction to others or the lack of interest in sex. Asexuality is distinct from abstention from sexual activity and from celibacy, which are behavioral and generally motivated by factors such as an individual's personal or religious beliefs.

Supporting Evidence: Asexuality (
Side: Sure! Let 'em in!
1 point

Well, the last time I checked my catholic upbringing...which took place quite some time ago, the only rules were you needed a soul and you needed to be baptized, confess your sin, oh and have a soul to begin with. Not much else was required (that I remember). Therefore, I would say Asexuals are allowed into the kingdom of heaven.

Side: Sure! Let 'em in!
1 point

As Asexuals have no insterest in sex most of them dont do it, some do to please Romantic partners or reproduce so as long as they dont do it or only have straight sex to reproduce then they will get in but if they have non straight non-reproductive sex then according to the Bible they wont get in. That's my understanding of the rules of getting into heaven anyway

Side: Sure! Let 'em in!
1 point

Well, it all sounds pretty confusing to me.... where can I pick up a score card?

Side: Sure! Let 'em in!
2 points

I gave up keeping score but i'm pretty sure i'm going to hell, I listen to the Devils Music, i've had sex outside of marriage in a non-reproductive manner (well no-one came looking for me and said it was productive), I think i'll just leave it to the refs decision in the end

Side: Sure! Let 'em in!
1 point

Everyone who accepts Jesus as his or hers savior can be let into Heaven.

Whether your gay, straight, bi or A .. doesn't matter to God.

Side: Sure! Let 'em in!
Hellno(17724) Clarified
1 point

Hmmm? Okay, what if I chose to reproduce via binary fission? Will both of me go to Heaven?

Side: Sure! Let 'em in!
Emperor(1340) Disputed
2 points




Side: Sick freals!
_deleted0_(849) Disputed
1 point

You are one person, you have only one soul.

If you have accepted Jesus as your savoiour, then yes you are going to Heaven.

Side: Sick freals!
1 point

Only one of you I guess this is when the score card will come in handy

Side: Sure! Let 'em in!
1 point

yes, i believe they are. be accepting of others, and if they believe in God, they will enter also, the decision of whether they are allowed in is not really up to us to decide.

Side: Sure! Let 'em in!

Asexuals will be in Heaven just like everyone else. Heaven is inclusive of all.

Side: Sure! Let 'em in!
Hellno(17724) Disputed
1 point

This debate is two years old! You leave arguments on several old debates of mine every day. Now, normally that would be fine except that you're not really interested in actually debating or interacting with anyone. Every time you post on some old dead debate of mine it notifies me. It's really annoying to click on my notifications only to discover it's just another pointless post of yours.

Side: Sick freals!
2 points

If God didn't want you to have sex you would have been born penisless or without a vagina.... I know, I know.... I'm just trolling through. I'll leave the rest of this to you guys. (plus, I wanted to say penisless)

Side: Sick freals!
1 point

P.S. Not that anyone cares but that cat looks exactly like my cat and he is the shedder (not a word, I know) from Hell!

Side: Sick freals!