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 Are God And Jesus aliens? (14)

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Cuaroc(8829) pic

Are God And Jesus aliens?

Are they aliens sent here to enslave human kind in a subtle way?

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2 points

I doubt they're aliens because I can't imagine any god would be composed of any elemental forms that we humans know of. Jesus is another story, he claimed and is proven to be a man that existed, but I doubt he was one; I really don't have a good answer as to why I believe Jesus was not an alien, other than the fact that he did nothing to show he was an alien. However, I do believe some aliens could be demons, aka, the annunaki and nephilim.

1 point

he did nothing to show he was an alien.

That's why i said subtle.

1 point

What motive would Jesus the alien have compared to Jesus the man? In other words, Jesus did what he did regardless of him being a man or an alien and so would anything have been different otherwise?

1 point

If they are then they are doing a pretty good job of it.


The way i see it, if there are aliens here enslaving us subtly, then its easy to believe there are good aliens, trying to free us, who are branded as the bad guys, and if there are aliens here, then its reasonable to believe that earth is a prime planet and is at the heart of a galactic war, do i center my life around these beliefs? not entirely, but the possibility is there.

Also, if aliens exist, its also reasonable to believe that there is galactic councils, galactic federations, and all that snazzy jazz. But, these are just possibilities, so, who knows

1 point

I sure hope so... that would be hella cool!

If they aren't from Earth, they are, by very definition, aliens, or extraterrestrials.

alien: a hypothetical or fictional being from another world.

God and Jesus are not fictional nor hypothetical, therefore they are not aliens. I seriously doubt aliens even exist, but who knows really.

Cuaroc(8829) Disputed
1 point

God and Jesus are not fictional nor hypothetical

Any proof on that?

BookBird101(572) Disputed
1 point

I'm not going to start an argument like this again.

All I'm going to say is that that's what I believe, and that's what the Bible says, and I have faith in the Bible. You obviously think differently, and that's fine.

1 point

There are books about aliens - doesn't that mean they exist?

1 point

Some ancient astronaut theoriests believe mythological beings like Jesus and Anubis might be aliens. The supposed evidence is that Jesus had abilities to heal people, was resurrected, and then flew up into the sky after meeting his apostles again.

Also the angels coming to Mary and the virgin birth thing are described in a very odd way. However, the Bible was written in the ancient world, after being passed down orally for generations. We cannot trust the accounts in it to be accurate. It's like playing telephone for decades. Since that's all we really have to go on for God and Jesus, there really is no proof that they could be aliens.

To speculate whether God is an alien, you must first prove his existence. So that road leads nowhere. And again, the life of Jesus is filled with twenty years of unrecorded history, and what is recorded is not reliable. There is no argument here.

It's more logical to think that either they are real divine beings (not aliens), or that they were created (in the case of God) or exaggerated on (Jesus) by humans themselves to serve the purpose of making their claims and rules seem just.

No. God and Jesus would not be aliens. God and Jesus are not from another planet.