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Yes - Are Socialists No-Not Socialists
Debate Score:33
Total Votes:43
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 Yes - Are Socialists (6)
 No-Not Socialists (15)

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Teacher(71) pic

Are Republicans Socialists?

Reupblicans believe in a minimum wage.  They don't believe some deadbeat or someone should start of at a "free market" wage...hence, they are true Socialists.  Everyone has created a glass floor that pays about the same as a teacher with $600 per month with college loans, car payment house payment, fuel costs, bills, food, etc.  Minimum wage and welfare people have the same "stuff" as middle class people!  Hence, this is a socialist country!

Welfare and minimum wage people should be living on dirt floors and tent cities until they work themselves up to live in a house, have a car and tv...because thats all I got with my Master's degree teaching.  ...just should be able to tell the difference betweent he middle class and poor people...other than the fact middle class people have to work and can't play games, watch tv and play on the internet all day.

If you are for a minimum wage, you are a socialist....therefore, Republicans are Socialists and need to stop calling Democrats Socialists!  You both are...get rid of it and help us middle class people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes - Are Socialists

Side Score: 7

No-Not Socialists

Side Score: 26

In a way they are since many want the majority of Americans to conform with their ideas and deny the freedom of the individual.

Side: Yes - Are Socialists
-1 points

Both major parties today are at least mildly socialistic. Just remember that "socialistic" isn't "socialism."

Side: Yes - Are Socialists
4 points

Socialism is a pretty complex system that requires a lot more factors than just Minimum Wage and Social Security.

So, let's break dis shit down:

Socialism can be seen in two ideal ways and a few moderate ways.

Ideal 1 - Marxism. Government would lay out the infrastructure and such for the people to be able to use among each other. Property, btw, would eventually exist once government is no longer necessary. Marx wasn't, exactly, anti-Capitalism. he was against the social structure that made wealth so disproportionate. He was a man who saw that an Aristocracy was keeping the poor man poor and the rich man in power. He, with Engels, wrote the Communist Manifesto as a philosophical interpretation of how society, at its point, would eventually lead unto a Utopia where we are post-materialistic (or some shit like that). Socialism was the economic system of a perfect Communist situation, where wealth and property was pretty much even, for no one excelled in anything (and wasn't allowed to... Marx never was good at describing exactly how Socialism could thrive without government).

Ideal 2 - Stalinism. Also known as State Socialism or State Communism. Now, Stalinism is to Communism as Nazism is to Fascism... there are some differences (mainly in the mass murder field), but what I'm trying to get at is pretty similar. State Socialism would have the State take control of all Capital, business, labor, and distribution of goods and services. This, of course, requires a lot of bureaucracy, which fixes itself considering that the State will employ everyone. The State is the decider of all economic issues. It investigates demand and chooses supply. This would mean little to NO private property. The State owns everything and distributes it among the people.

Fascism - Varies greatly in the economic aspects. Similar to Socialism in that there is a totalitarian control over property. The major difference is that people still have a right to that property and to do with it in which they please. Government can still, at any time, tell you what to do with your property, but when it isn't, you can do what you want. China is a great example as to how it works. China was, at a time, Communist. We allowed overseas trade with the country and that led the leaders to eventually allow free trade and enterprise within their own country. China can still, at any time, bar anyone from starting or engaging in business, but that power is not utilized in a way that is destructive towards their economy. Essentially, there is a free market that is standing on the edge of a knife. As long as that free market continues for their economy to grow, they will not infringe on it that much. But they still have all the power to do so.

Social Democracy - A bit like Fascism, but with less State tyranny and a more static economic control. This is the economic views of those like Paul Krugman and we can see it utilized in countries like Spain and Canada. Still, this is the same case in the United States, for we have many regulations (like the EPA and FDA). As well, the taxing system is very progressive with much variance. Then comes assistance for less well-off Americans, like welfare and medicaid. The key points of Social Democracy, be it strong in Spain or moderate in the States, is to have legislation to keep things, for what they feel, in control. Social Democracy, when referring to economics, differs from Socialism in that government views itself as an overseer to what we do in our personal lives. This includes the Market. It will not take full control, however (unless we let it).

Republicans want to cut back on certain regulations in the market. So, if they're under the line of Social Democracy (which is far from Socialism, in its respect), how could Republicans be anywhere close to Socialist?

It seems that you're taking a few economic aspects and saying that it makes one a Socialist if they support it. However, that would mean that one is anti-woman's rights if they are against partial-birth abortions.

Instead, Republicans (and Democrats), to me, are in support of Corporatism and Cronyism. They DO NOT support the true merits of Capitalism, but they aren't Socialists, either. They are for mixed economies, which brings us Corporatism and Cronyism, of course.

Side: No-Not Socialists
1 point

1. You don't have a master's degree. If you do that school needs to be shut down immediately.

2. A social program does not equate to socialism.

3. A minimum wage is not even a social program, it's a law. If it is a socialist law than so is every other law.

4. Pray tell how would making poor people's lives more miserable help the middle class? Do you believe people having even less money would boost the economy? Or as I suspect are you so base and simple seeing others with less makes you feel like you have more when in reality you do not?

Side: No-Not Socialists
1 point

I agree. You clearly(the author of this debate) have no idea on the concepts of capitalism and socialism, and frankly your views are dangerous, and if you wish to expedite them, move to a country that has active beliefs in the rich come first. Now those on welfare receive $200 a week, which lasts a few months ( as long as they are actively looking for a job). Now had this lasted a year it would come to $10,400 a year, and with your masters you should be able to decipher that this is hardly enough to survive. Teachers, depending on how long they have taught, and where they teach can easily make $70,000, a huge difference in ones lifestyle. Minimum wage is somewhere around $8 an hour, if working 14 hour shifts would be lucky to make $40,000 a year.

Your views on leaving the poor behind, pulling up the ladder after you, are completely against the morals of this country. Our founding fathers had no perspicacious thoughts of ideas such as yours. They are such an outrance from even the most conservative republicans, that they are a remora in the progress in this country. I try to expostulate these thoughts, but the deucdity in which your thoughts are, cause me to be leave that you wish to see this country to its dissonance.

Side: No-Not Socialists
Teacher(71) Disputed
0 points

By the way...a law redistributing the wealth is a Socialist law! By making sure "poor" people make at least $50 per hour..or $7 per hour..whatever it is...that is redistributing and forcing money on people without a free market factor.

Having a minimum wage is a Socialist move!

Side: Yes - Are Socialists
Bohemian(3860) Disputed
3 points

Socialism has nothing to do with wealth redistribution. Socialism is the collective ownership of the means of production, it says nothing of how pay is allotted. It seems the more socialism spills into political discourse the less people understand about it.

Side: No-Not Socialists
Conro(767) Disputed
2 points

"By making sure "poor" people make at least $50 per hour..or $7 per hour..whatever it is..."

It's $7.25 nationally and $8.00 in California. Before 2007, the federal minimum wage was $5.15. The sheer fact that you thought the minimum wage might be $50 makes your opinion on minimum wage invalid since you essentially have no concept of how much it costs to live on bare necessities in the United States.

The minimum wage is intended to create a floor for the common man to stand on. Political stability largely rests on economic stability, and by providing this floor, our government is attempting to assure some sort of guarantee of economic mobility (i.e. if you have cash, you can work your way up. This would not be true under your apparently "idealistic" view where there is no minimum wage and corporations/businesses pay what they will (which is potentially bare bones, far below the cost of living) because the poor would be forced to remain poor because they couldn't develop the skills to increase the value they would add to products. Little to no social mobility under this model).

As pointed out to you before, "socialism" is not "any social program." If that were so, we would be lumping in police protection, fire fighting, national security, roads, mail, etc. Government does not equal socialism.

And if it is true that you have two masters degrees, I fear for what lies in store for our country. Your completely misinformed opinion of any kind of political/economic system scares the bejeezus outta me.

Side: No-Not Socialists
Teacher(71) Disputed
-2 points
Bohemian(3860) Disputed
2 points

Labor at McDonalds' would be $1.00 per hour making my hamburger, fries and a coke about $1.50. Cheaper labor in the fields to the service industry..helps us middle class! Are you that blind?

Probably not, as evidenced by sweat shops in South-East Asia. Corporations that rely on sweat shop (cheap) labor don't always have cheaper products but usually charge the same or similar prices and retain a greater margin of profit. Tommy Hilfiger, Nike, American Eagle, etc... these companies use very cheap labor but their products are not any cheaper than comparable ones and are often more expensive.

a country feeling they are above making $1 per hour

It's not a matter of being "above" it, it is a matter of providing a basic standard of living. You cannot live off of $1 an hour, you'd literally be burning more calories from working than you could can afford to eat. You would slowly starve to death in a box on the street.

Side: No-Not Socialists
1 point

Republicans wants to stay strictly to the Consitution. Democrats want changes to the Consituition. Saying Republicans are Socialist is like say Jesus was Satanic.

Side: No-Not Socialists
Conro(767) Disputed
2 points

The Constitution literally has nothing to do with the U.S. economic system. The Constitution never explicitly states "The united states of America is a capitalist country." Also comparing Republicans to Jesus and Socialists to Satanists (although not explicitly stated it is implied).

Side: No-Not Socialists
DevinSeay(1120) Disputed
1 point

I was just replying in General. Not about the description above. Sorry, I should have made that clear.

Side: No-Not Socialists
Bohemian(3860) Disputed
1 point

Not necessarily. I can easily think of policies republicans favor that are strictly unconstitutional just as I can for Democrats.

Side: Yes - Are Socialists
DevinSeay(1120) Disputed
1 point

Believe it or not, I agree with that. Both partys are corrupt. They don't know what they are talking about. However, I was putting a point that all republicans aren't socialists.

Side: No-Not Socialists
1 point

To say a republican is socialist is saying they sit way on the left and republicans sit way on the right! So to say they are even close to socialist is just nonsense!

Side: No-Not Socialists

Republicans are more of a dictatorship, than anything else. They want the rich to be extremely rich and laws to be paid for.

Side: No-Not Socialists
1 point

They are fascists, not socialists. Fascism is right wing, and socialism is left wing. ;)

Side: No-Not Socialists
1 point

I dont think so

Side: No-Not Socialists