
Debate Info

Yea Just Passionate
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:4
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 Yea (1)
 Just Passionate (2)

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ProLogos(2794) pic

Are liberals too aggressive?


Side Score: 1

Just Passionate

Side Score: 2
0 points

What you Progressives have to say about that ?

Side: Yea
1 point

I think liberals and conservatives balance each other out. Unless you have these stark contrast in opinions and changes and conflicts, society falls apart, because the people that want to make things better will die off.

This is why the average age of a politician is in the high 60s, because of the era of peace that has been going on. Chaos and struggle breads people who care and who are willing fight. Peace and everyone having enough, makes people indifferent. Inequality and struggle is necessary for the development of society.

Fear is a necessary component for progress. You have to make people experience suffering.

Side: Just Passionate
1 point

Liberals are fine, its progressives you should be worried about.

Side: Just Passionate
IAmSparticus(1516) Clarified
1 point

And why should anyone worry about "Progressives"?

Actually, first, you might want to define "Progressive", since I am guessing the definition you are using does not coincide with the Political Science definition.

Side: Yea