
Debate Info

Yes men are better than women no they are not better
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 Yes men are better than women (1)
 no they are not better (3)

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Gore19(43) pic

Are men better than women?

Yes men are better than women

Side Score: 1

no they are not better

Side Score: 3
1 point

I think men are good because there are many things in them which is why I am speaking well of them and besides, the dress that looks best in fashion is this Sex Education Otis Milburn Satin Jacket.

Side: Yes men are better than women

define "better", I think the concept of superiority is rather arbitrary with no context added to it.

Side: no they are not better

No one is better than anyone based on gender. How many times do I have to say this before you guys realize that this debate is meant to be had by second graders.

People who are in first grade should believe that there use a "superior" gender role, race. Role, etc. At 4th grade it's time to move on and get over the fact that if someone is better at something than you, it's because YOU are worse at it than THAT PERSON.

1st graders blame this stuff on "she's a girl" or "he's a boy" or even "he had a better guitar than me." Frankly, I wouldn't even apply a rule like this to dishes from a particular country. Someone can hate Thai food and like a dish. I wouldn't even apply it to martial arts.

But either of those are a better thing to argue about than stupid boys vs. girls second grade shit. You people need to focus on being a better person yourselves and stop debating something that isn't even relevant in society anymore. We're not in pre-evolutionary times, okay?

Side: no they are not better

These stereotypes come from roles that pack animals would play to survive in nature. It doesn't work in the contemporary world.

Side: no they are not better