
Debate Info

I'm one! What's a... Google it!!!
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 I'm one! (2)
 What's a... Google it!!! (3)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40131) pic

Are there any Sapiosexuals here?

I'm one!

Side Score: 3

What's a... Google it!!!

Side Score: 3

Hell yeah! Intelligence is sexy! .

Side: I'm one!
1 point

Intelligence over all else. Beauty is nothing without brains.

It's why I'm Bi :3

Side: I'm one!

OK. I Googled it and realized that even if I were a sapiosexual, I wouldn't find what I'm looking for here ;)

Side: What's a... Google it!!!


Side: What's a... Google it!!!
1 point

I googled it and realized, one wouldn't be interested in me because I had to google it. Especially considering context clues in the word, very heavily point to what it means.

Side: What's a... Google it!!!