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Debate Score:15
Total Votes:15
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Senescal(5) pic

Are things really as bad as they seem?

When things look this bad, they are usually not as bad as they seem: we over-analyze, and tend to expand the size of the problem. This always occurs when negative data can so specifically be exploited. We live in the age of instant news and near-simultaneous awareness of the world's events, and our ability to do so grows every second. The current economic and sociopolitical trends are simply an intense focus on incredibly minute details of the world economy and infrastructure. On a large-scale level, current changes in world policy, politics, and finance will either eventually balance themselves out or evolve into newer, more functional entities. Historically, there has always been conflict, people have always been selfish, and the fall of an empire is largely a matter of changing power from one leader to another, both of which in the end turn out to be two shades of the same color. The daily progression of science will allow us to make a future in renewables with our current standard of living, displacing the need for fossil fuels. Globalization leads to free trade of goods and ideas, and instant communication lets us maintain a standard of global human rights. Much of the world economy, though shaken by the financial crisis, is still chugging along largely unaffected at street-level. Humanity’s ship has righted itself before, and will again.

On the other hand, there is no sign yet when the global recession will be ending or if a collapse of the European Union will trigger a worldwide depression. We don't know if there can be peace in Syria or Libya, or between Pakistan and the Taliban, Yemen, Egypt, Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan. North Korea is worrying everyone, China's one-child policy, female infanticide in Asia. Religious fanaticism. Human rights abuses. Unimitigated greed. We face the loss of fossil fuels, the ozone layer, endangered species, marine life, forests, ice caps, the middle class, and the human race to drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, murder, suicide, cancer, disease, hunger, and war. The polticial system has reached a point where people will vote benefits for themselves and corporate-funded politicians will give it to them without thinking of the consequences. Humanity is the frog in the slow boiling pot of water.

Is it a matter of perspective, or are we on the edge of something truly terrible happening?


Side Score: 10


Side Score: 5

This world is headed for a disaster of biblical proportions. Old Testament, real wrath of God type stuff. Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling! Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes. The dead rising from the grave! Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria!. ;)

Side: Yes
3 points

dogs and cats living together??? Noooooooo! Don't even think it!!!

Side: Yes
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
1 point

The Ghostbusters already took care of all that...........................................................................

Side: No
1 point

The Freemasons are behind it. Research who they are, that should give you enough info on what's really going on in this world.

Side: Yes
1 point

The U.S. economy has been going north for 3 years consistently, and the pace of recovery is speeding up the last 3 or 4 months, not slowing down.

As the U.S. goes, so goes Europe. More slowly albeit. But Joe's prediction of the Stay Puff Marshmallow man destroying buildings on the other side has been avoided. At least this time. Hopefully some of the problems which lead to this world recession will be addressed so it does not happen to this extent again anytime soon.

Side: No

Beware of the Stay Puff Marshmallow Man!!! ;)

Side: No

That sounds like a lame liberal attempt to get Obama re-elected ;)

Side: No
Marberry(10) Disputed
1 point

Which recovery?

Financially? How about China and Russia debating with other UN countries about leaving the Dollar as trade currency behind for the Yen?

Educational wise? U.S. national statistics are worse year after year.

Health care wise? Housing market wise? Don't even get me started on those two...

Side: Yes

The good ol' days had their share of problems, too. I think everybody should be comfortable in the period they live in and stop doting on the past.

Side: No