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I'm hellsa prepared! Not Gonna Happen
Debate Score:1
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 Not Gonna Happen (1)

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Are you ready for a Zombie Invasion?

Real Zombies exist. Voodoo preists in the Carribean use blowfish in a recipie that makes a human seem dead. And when that human finally wakes up after being burried and mourned, they are known as a Zombie. But they're simply humans, they wont eat you.

But Zombisim, in the mindless flesh eating monster sense, is possible. Perhaps as a hybrid virus that attacks the brain, like syphilis or any number of a myriad of neurological disorders, that would deteriorate the humanity in a person. They could become violent, and if hungry feast on other humans.

So my question is: Are you prepared for a Zombie virus? Do you have the mental stability and weapons at hand? What would you do to save yourself?

Personally, I think about Zombies more than terroists. I come home from work late at night, and am more mentally prepared to see a zombie than a rapist. I kick box to prepare myself for a post apocalyptic future, when asses will no doubt need'a'kickin'.

What are you doing... just in case?

I'm hellsa prepared!

Side Score: 0

Not Gonna Happen

Side Score: 1
Winning Side!
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1 point

I'm tired of Zombie shit. Why can't we just leave the topic alone until it happens? I'm not claiming it ever will, but I'm tired of hearing about it.

Everyone here will probably post on <----- that side, because WE ALL KNOW WHAT TO DO in that situation because we're trained by the media, over and over again. Half-Life, Half-Life 2 (Episode 1 and 2), Halo (1, 2, 3, ODST), Halo Wars, Bioshock, Dead Space, Left 4 Dead, etc. Everyone knows how to react to a zombie invasion so can we drop zombies for a while???

Side: Not Gonna Happen