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 Atheist: "Religion is fake 'cause I say so!" Christian:"Religion is true 'cause I say so!" (45)

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TERMINATOR(6781) pic

Atheist: "Religion is fake 'cause I say so!" Christian:"Religion is true 'cause I say so!"

That is why religious debates are futile.

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2 points

"Religion" is not the right word to use. religion is exactly what is wrong with this world. Don't get me wrong I live for Jesus and I will praise him on this earth until I can speak to him face to face. But the word religion should never enter your vocabulary.

It is not "because I say so" it's because... "let me show you what the Lord has done for me" it's... "let me show you what this bible says" it's being on fire for the Lord and worshiping a living God.

An atheist is just plainly afraid; and i understand that, God is intimidating and it is all in the faith you show. God created you, and sent his only son to die for you, and it is too much to risk to walk around, taking advantage of the fact that you are here. And you dont even know why.

We Christians don't let the others phase us because we are in this world, but not of it.

1 point

Akulakhan: "The monism between religion and atheism is the basic promotion of good morals. The neglection of said morals is subjective to the individual."

Side: Akulakhanism
1 point

If that's your understanding of the sum content of the atheism vs. theism debate it's probably an indication that YOU engaging in a religious debate if futile.

Side: Akulakhanism
TERMINATOR(6781) Disputed
1 point

This is what I've read on these debates. That's why I rarely participate.

I can say 'There is no proof the God does not exist'.

You: "There is no proof that God does exist'.

You: "Science proves that God does not exist".

Me: "If there is a supernatural being, he transcends science".

Side: Akulakhanism
gcomeau(536) Disputed
1 point

So, your argument is that no matter what the argment, someone else can come back with a stubborn refusal to ackowledge the legitimacy of rational thought or logic?

And how exactly is that limited to the atheism/theism debate? Let's try it with "2+2=4."


I can say "2+2=4"

You: "No, it equals 37.6"

Me: "Dude, if you take 2 things and add them to two other things you end up with 4 things"

You: "According to YOUR math maybe, but my math transcends your math".


Oh look, it seems discussion is futile. We should all just stop speaking to each other about anything.

Side: Akulakhanism
1 point

Agreed. God can never be dis-proven as long as their are mysteries in the universe and god can never be proven as long has he exists in mysteries.

In the end, we will all pretty much live our lives the same regardless of who is winning the god debate.

Side: Emotional people can make bad choices
SLarnott(47) Disputed
1 point

we don't live our lives the same actually, either you live by the bible, or you don't. Each side is a complete opposite of the other....

Side: Emotional people can make bad choices
CubeGlider(132) Disputed
1 point

I wouldn't say opposites. Plus there are plenty of people who aspire to live by the bible but don't necessarily succeed. In fact that's usually the case for religious people; no one's perfect.

Side: Emotional people can make bad choices

Religion debates are futile because it is so a one sided issue. Either you believe or you don't. There is no middle ground.

Side: Emotional people can make bad choices
1 point

That is why religious debates are futile.

Maybe they are futile, but they are also fun.

Because it is not really like "Religion is fake 'cause I say so!" Christian:"Religion is true 'cause I say so!"

It's more like:

JesusFreak: "You don't understand, I understand because I really really really feel"

iamdavidh: "Yeah but what if I really really feel you're wrong?"

JesusFreak: "I win because I really really really feel and you just really really feel."

See, it's funny.

But then generally JesusFreak starts speaking in tongues and damning me to hell for my blasphemy and it turns annoying.

Side: Emotional people can make bad choices

Yeah, those eccentric ones are pretty damn annoying.

Side: Emotional people can make bad choices
1 point

It's more like:

Religious Person X: My faith is true because my holy book says so, and it feels good to believe.

Atheist Y: You have not evidenced your religion.

Try arguing with people who think a gut feeling constitutes proof or evidence.

Side: Emotional people can make bad choices
TERMINATOR(6781) Disputed
1 point

Emotional people can make bad choices

"Can" is the key word here. Just because you disagree with the choice does not mean that it is wrong. Thus you shall continue with: "Religion is fake 'cause I say so!"

Side: Emotional people can make bad choices
aveskde(1935) Disputed
1 point

"Can" is the key word here. Just because you disagree with the choice does not mean that it is wrong. Thus you shall continue with: "Religion is fake 'cause I say so!"

No, I would distinctly ask for evidence, not emotional feely reasons, and if the person persists I would reply as previously mentioned:

Atheist Y: You have not evidenced your religion.

Side: Emotional people can make bad choices

God is the winner in religious debates, because the proof of his existance lays in the very hands of those that don't believe. An atheist bases his/her decisions on science and science cannot pinpoint the time of one's demise. What determines whether one person lives and another dies? One is extremely healthy and dies, the other has tremedious injuries and lives, why? A bus takes the healthy man and cancer cannot kill the other. When science can predict my destiny and fate, it will be my God. Till then I kneel before no mortal.

Side: Emotional people can make bad choices
2 points

You do realize that all the atheists are going to downvote you for that. They downvote all the religious arguments and upvote all the atheistic arguments.

That's my problem with them.

But, if they down-vote you, all give you an up-vote.

Side: Emotional people can make bad choices
0 points

Down votes just convince me that they know I'm right and therefore they only hurt themselves. I appreciate the support, but their ignorance is my joy. We both know to whom they will pray to on their death bed and that's reward enough.

Side: Emotional people can make bad choices
aveskde(1935) Disputed
0 points

You do realize that all the atheists are going to downvote you for that. They downvote all the religious arguments and upvote all the atheistic arguments.

His argument was a non-sequitur.

I'll highlight it for you since your prejudice prevents you from seeing it:

Nixon is the winner in political debates, because the proof of his superiority lays in the very hands of those that doubt. A liberal bases his/her decisions on reason and reason cannot pinpoint the time of one's demise. What determines whether one person lives and another dies? One is extremely healthy and dies, the other has tremedious injuries and lives, why? A bus takes the healthy man and cancer cannot kill the other. When reason can predict my destiny and fate, liberalism will be my political belief. Till then I accept nothing liberal.

Just replace a few words and you can see that his thesis doesn't lead into his "reasoning" but instead that it is a sudden, unrelated rant.

That's my problem with them.

Your prejudice is one of your Achilles' heels.

But, if they down-vote you, all give you an up-vote.

Why? His reasoning was faulty.

Side: Emotional people can make bad choices

I believe that there is no god.

I believe that god is a human's creation.

They created a answer to the things they do not understand.

Something that science can't even explain.

Like why are we able to ask ourselves questions and not be able always answer it. why?

Why are we forced to be born to simply die someday ? why?

we should simply accept that there is no answer. Atheist have.

Religious say god.

I say sure, why not? that's your answer to the question. maybe you're right...

maybe not...

They are both beliefs. theres isn't a right or wrong.

Side: Emotional people can make bad choices