
Debate Info

Beachfront Homes Reserved for Hotels
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 Beachfront Homes (3)
 Reserved for Hotels (1)

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brycer2012(1002) pic


Should people be allowed to buy beachfront property for homes or should it be reserved for hotels.

Beachfront Homes

Side Score: 4

Reserved for Hotels

Side Score: 1
2 points

Who do we have to build on beachfronts at all?

I say we have all the hotels and homes we need on the beach.

Preserve it for our children.

Side: Our children

Why should all the rights to beachfront property be given to hotels? If I had the money, I would want a beachfront property - and there ain't no way in hell that I'd build a hotel for it!

Side: Beachfront Homes

If a person has the money to buy a beachfront home, he or she should be allowed to purchase one.

Side: Beachfront Homes

We should be using hotels more likely for several, no, millions, no, billions of visiters each month. Besides, I bet few rich people will buy it for the summer or something. If you're living in the U.S., their economy is in crisis, so many homes are not being bought.

Side: Reserved for Hotels