
Debate Info

Breaking Bad Better Call Saul
Debate Score:1
Total Votes:1
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 Breaking Bad (1)

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kwj503(34) pic

Breaking Bad or Better Call Saul?

Which show is better in your opinion?  Please explain or tell us why?

Breaking Bad

Side Score: 1

Better Call Saul

Side Score: 0
1 point

Breaking Bad captured my interest immediately. By contrast, after 3 episodes, I still was not interested in the characters or conflicts in Better Call Saul, so I stopped watching.

It is possible Better Call Saul developed into a show as engaging as Breaking Bad, but I never saw it happen because I had stopped watching by then.

Side: Breaking Bad
logicaljoe(529) Clarified
1 point

Can't disagree with you there. BB was definitely a captivating show. I was so hooked the moment I saw it and I couldn't stop watching it. I hadn't seen the show while it was on air. I only saw the show AFTER it was completed and off the air. I was binge watching the entire show over a 1-2 week span and I couldn't stop lol. Better Call Saul has the benefit of starting on the shoulders of BB so it was quite easy for me to continue watching it and get hooked as well. I think for someone hadn't seen BB and started watching Saul first, would not be as interested or maybe get bored because they wouldn't really know or understand the timeline.

Gilligan also said how the timing and pace of Saul was much different. He intentionally used long takes, slower moving scenes and pace to capture a different feeling. It's actually quite refreshing. But more than anything, I love the character of Saul...odenkirk also is captivating.

Side: Breaking Bad
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