
Debate Info

Blame bad dogs Blame bad owners
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:7
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 Blame bad dogs (1)
 Blame bad owners (4)

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Lauralei(7) pic

Breed Specific Legislation

Should it be right to punish bad dogs instead of bad owners?

Blame bad dogs

Side Score: 1

Blame bad owners

Side Score: 6
1 point

I'll take the opposite side and say that certain breeds of dog present a greater risk to the public in general as opposed to others. The argument that what makes a dog exhibit dangerous aggression is caused by bad owners doesn't take into account that the dog may behave entirely differently when scared or injured and removed from it's familiar territory and faces. There are various situations a dog could run into while running stray that can affect it's demeanor and there's a reason no one is worrying about rowdy stray chihuahuas.

As a side note I generally like pit bulls but I don't have any illusions about the fact that aggressive tendencies can be bred into them. (Blame the owners right?)

I once got a beautiful baby brundle that was mean mean mean from birth. We had to get rid of it because all it wanted to do was fight. If you have kids and you don't think your dogs can snap and hurt them you aren't thinking realistically.

Side: Blame bad dogs
2 points

New to this site and couldn't find any (recent, at least) debates about this topic, so apologies if it's a repeat!

As proud owner of a handsome Amstaff, this topic really gets me going. Raised my pup from 4 weeks old to be a sweet, loving, family dog. I have two young stepchildren who adore him dearly. He's protective of his family to be sure, but quiets down once I tell him all is okay. When he runs up to someone, it's because he wants to say hi and get a quick pet, nothing menacing! 50 years ago, they were well known as wholesome, family dogs. Now they have this awful stigma because of bad owners. I repeat, BAD OWNERS. They are strong, well muscled dogs, very protective of family and friends, and eager to please owners! Unfortunately, this works well for people that want to mistreat and mistrain their dogs.

"In the 70s they blamed Dobermans, in the 80s they blamed German Shepherds, in the 90s they blamed Rottweilers. Now they blame the Pit Bull." - Cesar Millan

Side: Blame bad owners
2 points

Not necessarily Bad Owners nor Bad Dogs,but rather Bad and Failing Politicos who create this Evil and Heinous piece of Garbage Legislation "Cos they Can".

Let see if they could get a bill through that after a Black man Rapes and Murders a young girl,that all blacks must be Banned or a White guy with Blue eyes Murders someone so all such people with such characteristics must be Banned.

Failing politicos to-day have to do something to justify keeping their paws in the cookie-jars so they tend to go after the law-abiding,much easier to get results.

Side: Blame bad owners

The breed of an animal has little to do with its personality, the species has more of a influence and in general dogs are social, territorial, protective. Those traits manifest themselves differently based on the dog's environment, the breed of the dog has little to do with it.

If they really want to be effective, they should target the underlying economic reasons why people train their dogs to be violent. Banning or restricting a breed isn't going to affect criminals acquiring that breed very much.

Side: Blame bad owners
1 point

Like EVERYTHING Humans touch, bastardize, taint, pollute and embrue... such is the existance of Pit Bulls in the World today.

What most people fail to ackowledge about the breed is a stupid simple fact: PIT BULLS ARE TERRIERS. Imagine a 50-100 lbs Jack Russel Terrier. THAT is a Pit Bull. Intelligent, thinking breed that requires alot of exercise, positive and constructive stimuli, socialization, and a pack or family to belong to.

Pit Bulls have not failed humanity, Humanity has failed the Pit Bull Breed(s). The argument that Pit Bulls were bred for fighting lost its credibility about 250 years ago. And what most people do not know is the original dog belonging to the Molossoid/ Mastiff family of breeds was orginally bred to be an all purpose breed used for hearding live stock, flushing rodents out of homes, and protecting families on remote farms and ranchs in the British Isle circa 1500.

The breeds #1 asset ( and the one most bastardized by humans) is their "Loyalty". Tell a Pit Bull to protect a child? Consider it done. Tell that same Pit Bull to get in a ring and kill another dog? Consider it done... because the owner said so.

The problems and arguments revolving around this breed (for or against) constantly find their way back to irresponsible humans. Whether its backyard breeding or dog fighting or abuse/ neglect in denying the dog all the neccessary tools needed to be well rounded and friendly dog (ie socialization, exercise, healthy food and clean water, spay/ nuetering, any needed medical care, and a family or pack to belong to).

Genuinely raise the bar on accountability of pet ownership (severe fines and incarceration for offenders) and our culture will see a decline in irresponsible Pit Bull ownership, thus reducing Pit Bull (and ALL BREEDS) related Incidents.

Obviously... (after the Michael Vick incident)... our culture is not truly ready to cut the root of the problem. A slap on the wrist does not deter would be dog fighters and abusers from keeping on, business as usual. Its easier to lash out at a race of beings that in our culture have no rights.

Dr. Ian Dunbar Talks about the primary causes of dog attacks and bites
Side: Blame bad owners