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Debate Score:12
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Dremorius(847) pic

Can Anything Be Considered "Normal"?


Side Score: 7


Side Score: 5

"Normal", in My opinion is when something that is uncommon happens, for example, Having four arms.

Side: Yes

Many things. It is normal for a dog to have four legs. Just because someone disagrees, doesn't make it abnormal.

For example: 2+2=4. That is an objective truth. If one thinks it is 83, does it then become subjective? Of course not, it remains an objective truth.

The same applies here. If one disagrees that it is normal for a dog to have four legs, it doesn't make the actual truth subjective. It just means that they are wrong.

Side: Yes
AryaOne(217) Disputed
2 points

Considering something 'normal' is different from considering something a 'fact' or an 'objective truth'. It's normal for a dog to have 4 legs is a statement which is out of context, since nobody has seen a dog born with 6 legs. The word 'normal' comes into picture, only when something not normal exists in the same context.

Side: No
ChuckHades(3179) Disputed
1 point

While there are no 6 legged dogs, there are 3 legged dogs. It doesn't change that a four legged dog is normal.

Side: Yes
1 point

The Idea of something being normal is measured by the familiarity with the object or idea in question, and whats appropriate in context to the situation. Example: Goths consider it normal to always wear black all the time or most of the time, I do not typically associate with the crowd so I few them as not "my normal". Business men consider it normal to wear suites to meetings and to the office and it would be abnormal to wear another attire. The question itself is "Can" anything be "Considered" normal. The answer is yes. There really isn't a dispute that could argue this because everyone is different and normal is different based on lifestyles people have.

Side: Yes
1 point

Well, we could go by Statistics, which would say that anything within a confidence interval is normal (sort of).

Side: Yes

Society changes and what once was considered not normal is now declared normal.

Side: Yes
2 points

Though views can be subjective, there is a degree of normalcy that prevents "anything" from being considered normal. For example, if everyone were to be a serial killer, then in that context, it might be normal to be a serial killer. However, is being a serial killer ever normal? No - common sense dictates not.

Side: No
1 point

No you can't define the word normal because normal means different things to different people eg. poeple who don't like computer games would call someone who does play computer games sad because it's not normal in there eyes.

Side: No