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Yes thats very much achievable No, there way to powerful
Debate Score:62
Total Votes:67
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 Yes thats very much achievable (22)
 No, there way to powerful (25)

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Can any country allience defeat the allies a.k.a the USA and the UK?

Yes thats very much achievable

Side Score: 30

No, there way to powerful

Side Score: 32
Winning Side!
5 points

Considering Russia and China both have Commie blood ties, it is possible for them to create an alliance against the West. Then there's Iran which are allied with Russia (business more than ideology). If we pull out of Iraq, Iran will take Iraq and Afghanistan if we pull out of there too.

India... I don't see them as much of an enemy. But for the sake of it, let's put them into the mix as well. Basically, the East vs. the West, with Japan, South Korea and South Africa on the Western side and the Islamic Africa with Cuba and Venezuela on the Eastern side.

I can see that as a bad ass battle, and part of the fictional World War going on inside my head.

Side: Yes thats very much achievable
mudkipz2(360) Disputed
1 point

you just hit on a major topic. the Islam middle east want a all out war with the east. however those Muslims are ignorant of the fact that the west would kick their ass. i dispute you though, even though the Russians were wining in MW2, they wont in real life. plus America and UK have more then each other as allies. they have Germany, France, Israel, Canada, Brazil, Australia, and japan plus others i cant think of.

Side: No, there way to powerful
ThePyg(6706) Disputed
1 point

You basically listed the West and Japan (which I also listed).-----------------------------------

Side: Yes thats very much achievable
2 points

many facts , there are alliances you know , UK is not such a military wise powerful force , it is weaker than pakistan , but according to facts china and russia combined are way stronger than usa , and iran and the central asian countries are definetly more stronger (when combined) than UK , so based on facts i think usa and UK can be beaten

Side: Yes thats very much achievable
sirius(367) Disputed
1 point

Pakistan has the fifteenth strongest military in the world. The United Kingdom has the fifth. It definitely isnt weaker than Pakistan.

Side: No, there way to powerful
nomihomi(16) Disputed
2 points

i do not agree to that fact , but still even if i have been forced to believe , than do you think that iran and the central asian countries united can not defeat UK ? UK can be easily beaten ! :P

Side: Yes thats very much achievable
1 point

Osama is playing hide and seek for years. are the USA and the UK's technologies tracked him already? they are the ones "it" anyway. how about a war of attrition can the uk and usa survive that?

Side: Yes thats very much achievable
0 points

Yep. India n China vs. USA n UK. They wouldn't stand a chance. If you want to bring politics and allies into this - then it would basically become WW3 and the european side would loose this time....

Side: Yes thats very much achievable
sirius(367) Disputed
2 points

"They wouldn't stand a chance."- the most technologically advanced nations on the planet with a combined total military spending equal to almost half of the entire world would not be able to beat countries in which the only advantage is population. India and China would not be able to utilize their amount of troops. Considering that the US alone controls the seas (the US navy is larger than both the Chinese and Indian navies combined) and the skies (the US air force is six times larger than the Chinese and Indian air forces combined), the only option for them would to move them by land, which would be unlikely since both the US and the UK are separated by bodies of water.

"If you want to bring politics and allies into this - then it would basically become WW3"- if there was a war involving the USA, UK, China, and India, sides would automatically be taken and it would instantly become World War 3. There couldn't be a war like this that didn't involve allies.

Side: No, there way to powerful
Kinda(1649) Disputed
1 point

The 1 thing that UK n USA lack that most other countries have is heart.

They're not soldiers. They're not warriors. They don't have heart. Not like when they fought in WW2. these few late wars have shown me that they don't have heart like they used to.

Side: Yes thats very much achievable
1 point

Realistically, I doubt that there would be another alliance made that could defeat the USA and the UK. There would just have to be too many countries against them.

Even though this is a hypothetical situation in which there is no possible way to know the circumstances, I have to say that NATO would be on the side of the USA and UK. If you are unaware of what NATO is, its a military alliance of 28 countries that have a combined military spending equal to 70% of the world's total military spending. That leaves the other countries with 30% of the world's total military spending, and that's if every other country not in NATO were to be opposed to the US and UK, which is unlikely. Russia and China may be a large threat in a future war, but when it comes down to the strength of the opposing forces, I have to side with the USA and UK.

Side: No, there way to powerful
1 point

Have to agree with Sirus... (Though not on the China)

When the question says allies.

It means ALL allies.

And that's a lot of countries.

I think combined, any country with a high growing economy with a GDP of over 2% and the US will crush anyone. Technology, raw supplies, and buying power? I think that's something that we won't be trying to batter down for a long time.

Side: No, there way to powerful
0 points

The UK maybe, but the US not a chance. If someone invades the US there would be so many people lining up with their guns. Since the UK doesn't allow guns, they might. They wouldn't defeat both.

Side: No, there way to powerful