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No way! Totally!
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:9
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 No way! (7)
 Totally! (2)

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johnbonham32(2429) pic

Can dreams predict the future?

No way!

Side Score: 7


Side Score: 2

That's like asking if beer makes you smart. Wait.... it made Bud wiser. Maybe not much but wiser just the same. :)

Side: No way!
DaWolfman(3324) Disputed
1 point

You seriously said almost nothing regarding the debate, you didn't even really voice your opinion =\

Side: No way!

OK, fair enough.

If the future is encoded in dreams, then we have lost the knowledge to decode our dreams because I don't know of anyone who can predict the future based on his dreams. Thus, having lost the knowledge to decode our dreams is the same thing as not being able to predict the future through our dreams.

Side: No way!
1 point

Though I have experienced dejavu before I do not believe it had anything to do with my mind working while I physically wasn't. Just last night I had a dream about Applebee's and what do you know! I had Applebee's for dinner last night!

Side: No way!
1 point

I come to believe that dreams has nothing to do with how we would run our life, and it could also just be a manifestation of something that happened to us with our daily existence.

But here: I use to dream about a certain event; it was vivid because it was like a flash in my mind before I wake up. So I tend to forgot about it because as we know it was just a dream. And everybody experience it anyway, no big deal. Few days pass and I was exactly in the state where I was in my dream saying the same words. After I said it, I was like ftw. This happened to me before. Then I remember my dream. I ask some people about it, and they claim that it sometimes happen. It was like a jejavu. I have done some research and I came up with a term "prolific dream" it is the state where we are more open to our psychic being. Its gets me thinking that if such things happen, could it be possible that all our tomorrows were already set?

Side: Totally!
E223(193) Disputed
1 point

It's called Deja Vu, it's where your brain decides to file short term memories into the long term memory section as they're happening. You think you dreamed about something or have done it before, but in reality, you haven't. There's zero evidence supporting psychics.

Side: No way!

I have had some rare dreams that have predicted the future but I never had one that predicted the correct lottery numbers that are coming up.

Side: Totally!