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FromWithin(8241) pic

Can you imagine what fake news would be saying if it were a Trump supporter who shot Dems?

Do you see the difference in the narrative from our news outlets when it is a partisan Democrat who trys to kill Republicans on a baseball field?

All we are hearing now is how both sides should come together over this event, and not be blaming the Democrat Party for instigating this type of anger with their constant hatemongering towards Trump and his supporters.

If it were a Trump supporter who had shot Democrats for political reasons, the outcry from the Left calling Trump a fascist, and being his fault for intigating such hatred, would be deafening.

JUST ONCE I would love to have one of the deceptive Liberals on this site be honest and admit THE OBVIOUS double standards and biased reporting from the Left wing media (other than the one moderate news network, Fox News).

It will not hapen and is the reason why they get banned. It is a total waste of time tryig to have an intelligent debate with deceptive deniers.
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